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September 10th, 2016

America sat on his desk, thinking about the next day. All of the countries had officially arrived three days prior, and America had taken them on tours of the capital, the Rocky mountains, and the great lakes, some of his favorite places in the continental US.

However excited he might have been before now, he was absolutely dreading tomorrow. He hadn't realized that the last day of his tour had fallen on the day that he was at his weakest: 9/11.

He thought about feigning sickness, but that would require showing weakness, too, and that's what he was trying to avoid. So he sat there, trying to figure out how he could get his depression past the others.

The door crashed open, and he was enveloped by someone's arms. The person smelled like the forest and maple. Mattie, he thought. He felt himself slouch a little against his brother.

Canada hugged his brother, resting his head against the other's shoulder.

"Hey, Al, you can tell them something came up, and I'll start my tour early if you want," Canada offered. He knew what kind of state his brother would be in tomorrow, and he didn't really want the others to see him like that, especially England or Russia.

"I can't have that, and you know it." he said, bowing his head slightly. "Where do you think I should take everyone? I want to take them to some memorial, to show our love of veterans, ya know? But I don't know what to do." Matthew considered this for a moment.

" I think you should take everyone to the new 9/11 memorial in New York. It's fitting, because tomorrow's the anniversary, and you can show the other countries how much Americans truly care for each other."

America nodded, considering the idea. "Yea, I like that. I think that's what I'll do." America sniffed and stood, turning to his brother and hugging him one last time. Canada smiled and walked out, easing the door shut behind him.


Hey, so I'm doing this as a memorial to 9/11, and would love for you all to vote and comment or whatever. There will be a new chapter out at least every other day starting now and ending on the day of 9/11.

be sure to tell your friends and stuff, yknow.

anyway, ciao mein amigos!

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