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The countries walked behind the two states, asking them questions about themselves.

"How old are you?"

Jersey: "As old as Alfred himself."

"What are your human names?"

Jersey: "I'm Michael, and York's name is Anthony!"

York: "Just Tony, to you."

"Why is your hair over your face?"

York: "....I have scars."

"Where are we going?"

York: "That's classified."

All the while, America was walking behind the rest of them, talking with his new favorite ally.

"So, what do you think of them?" Ivan thought for a moment.

" The one you call New York is intimidating, but the other one acts more like you. I like them." He paused. "Are there others?"

"Of course! All 50 states have a personification."

"I would like to meet them sometime."

America blushed and looked at the ground. "They're my pride and joy. I love them more than the world. I'd do anything for them, you know?" Russia actually didn't know, because it had been a long time since he had allowed himself to feel that way for anyone or anything, but he nodded anyway.

Suddenly, they heard a gasp from the group assembled in front of them. Alfred grabbed Russia's hand and ran up to the front of the group, smiling. "This is it!" [this is what is pictured above. it is in new York, and was built in the foundations where the twin towers once stood. it has the names of all of the victims who died in this tragic event engraved into the black stone that surrounds the falling water. it is truly beautiful, and I suggest you visit it before you die.]

Russia looked over the railing in awe. It was beautiful. There was water falling from the sides and down into a pool, glistening in the morning sun. He heard New York start talking about it.

"These memorial fountains were built in the empty foundations of the World Trade Center as a tribute to those who died in the attacks. Each and every one of the names of the over 3,000 victims is engraved in the bronze panels that run along the sides of the waterfalls. This serves as a powerful reminder of the largest loss of life from a foreign terrorist group in American history, and the largest loss of emergency rescue personnel recorded on American soil. They each are more than an acre in size, and they are taken meticulous care of by everyone who visits."

Anthony scanned the crowd, studying their reactions. They all looked a little shocked, surprised, or emotional.

"You can all come look. Theres plenty of room," Alfred called over his shoulder from where he was standing with Ivan. New York and New Jersey joined him, one standing on either side. "You know, it's still hard sometimes," he told his states, his voice barely more than a whisper. Both of them put their arms around their older brother's shoulders. Alfred and Anthony leaned their heads together.

"Russia," York said, "Do you have any idea what this put him through? I bet you don't. But, he said that you were there to help him when it happened." New York stood up straighter and turned to him. "You may be a Communist Bastard, but you have my gratitude." Russia wanted to hit him for calling him a communist bastard, but was surprised by the thanks, so he just stood there silently. It seemed like he was doing that a lot lately. Even Jersey was surprised to hear it.

"Don't call Ivan a communist, Anthony. I'd hit you myself, but I appreciate you not stabbing anyone yet, so I'm not going to," Alfred put in tiredly. Days like these were taxing, mentally and physically.

America looked around at the other countries, who were admiring the fountains. He saw some of them reading the names, too. Italy was holding onto Germany's arm, crying. Germany was next to Romano, who were both reading the names. France and England had moved onto the next one, and were looking at the water with a few others. It made America happy to know that he wasn't a total disappointment to everyone, and he had people who would love him no matter what he did.


this concludes my memorial to 9/11. please take this time to remember these people who died today 15 years ago.

You may hate America and everything it stand for, but our spirit is never broken, and we will always rise from the ashes of our assailents. We are strong, we are free, and we will never stop fighting for what is right.

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