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Alfred and Ivan walked though the lobby doors, and were greeted with England and France at the desk, frantically speaking with a flustered desk attendant.

"Whoa, guys, chill! You're going to give the poor girl a heart attack!" he said, defending his citizen whilst walking up to them. England had never turned around so fast. France ran up and hugged him, clearly distressed. England started yelling and complaining about who-knows-what.

Matthew was in the back, not really having been worried. Alfred looked at the others, confused as to why he was getting so much strange attention. "F-Francis, what's wrong? Are you guys alright?"

"No we're not alright, you bloody git! You just left, without even a note or anything! We thought something had happened when you weren't in your room! Ru-Ivan wasn't in his room either, and we thought he did something!"

"Why is it that whenever something happens, you always blame Russia?" He asked his parents exhasperatedly. "It's not like he could kidnap me quietly. You all would have heard it." He shot an apologizing look at Ivan.

Matthew spoke up from the other side of the room, causing several people, Alfred not included, to jump in surprise. "I knew he didn't take you with him against your will. Though I did believe you were together. I guess I was right."

Alfred turned slightly darker, blushing at his predictableness. "Anyway! Is everyone else here yet? I want to leave as soon as we can. I have something super awesome to show you. Even awesomer than Prussia!"

"Nothing is awesomer than me!" came the indignant reply.

"I'll go get everyone. Be back soon." France said, running back up the stairs. England had disappeared again. America turned to Russia.

"Would you mind...if I asked you to..." he blushed really dark and looked down. He really wanted to ask, but it was a difficult task.

"Ask me to what, sunflower?" That's it. That's what he needed. America looked up again at those beautiful, clear purple eyes.

"Stay by me today, please? I don't know that I'll be able to handle this by myself today, and you will actually listen to me when I talk, and..." he trailed off, unsure again.

"Of course I will, sunflower," he replied, leaning down and kissing the other lightly before pulling away again. It was so quick that Alfred wasn't even sure it happened. But the look on his brother's face told him it did, and he was going to have to explain. And Mattie was going to tell France, who would tell England, who would yell at him or something. So, to avoid all of this, he grabbed Russia's sleeve and pulled him back outside.

When he knew that no one from inside could see them, he kissed Ivan again, properly this time.

"Thanks," he whispered.

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