Chapter 5

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This case snowballed into something much bigger than the team had anticipated. It turned into many long days that rolled into a couple of all-nighters. They were all exhausted and ready to get home and relax for the time they had remaining of their Saturday and hopefully Sunday.

Abby had kept Gina in the loop when she could after it dawned on her that she was with Gibbs when they got called back in. She hoped that he would keep his promise to her friend and they would see each other now that the case had wound down. As a matter of fact, she decided to take the opportunity to check in on her way out, noting that Gibbs was the only one still in the bullpen.

"Hey Gibbs," she stopped in front of his desk.

"Hey Abbs, what's up?" his tired eyes looked up at her.

"You leaving soon?"

"Gonna try..." he watched her expression and when she didn't respond, "what's on your mind Abby?"

"Well..." she continued to hesitate not sure how far he would let her go before it crossed the line, "I know that you were with Gina when we got this case and..."

He just looked at her waiting for her to finish her thought.

Abby sighed, "Gibbs, please tell me you're going to call her and see her again. She plays it really cool with stuff like this, but I really like the idea of you two and I want you to see her!" she spat out quickly.

Gibbs had to hide his smile, "Abby...thank you."

"For what?" she was confused, "I haven't done anything...I mean she told me she hasn't even called you since."

"For being a good friend," he could tell that she was even more confused now, "If it helps I did email her a couple of nights ago, we're meeting again tomorrow."

Abby was stunned, "oh...she didn't tell me that! Sneaky!" she'd get Gina for that one, "well, I'm glad you did and email too!" she smiled, knowing Gibbs disdain for all technology. "She won't tell me a whole lot you know," she said facing the doors of the elevator.

Gibbs smirked, "oh really? Why not?"

"I don't know actually, she used to tell me stuff about the guys she dated. She says you're different, 'doesn't feel right to talk about you' she said. Buuut..." she teased.

"But what Abbs?"

"I got her to tell me one tiny little detail," she waited to see his reaction, when there was little she continued, "you apparently are a great kisser." Abby smiled and watched as a smile cracked his face.

He bid Abby goodnight and when he got into his car he sat for a moment. It helped to hear that she wasn't the kind of girl who would talk too much about their private interactions. He didn't mind that she spoke of his kissing skills, but he hoped if things went further than that, she'd keep it to herself.


Sunday morning, Gibbs had agreed to meet Gina at a diner in Georgetown for breakfast. They decided to spend the day together since their previous meetings were under time constraints or cut short. The diner was not far from Gina's apartment so she walked there and met Jethro at a table towards the back.

"Morning," she smiled taking a seat.

"Morning," he gave a small smile before taking a sip of coffee.

"So, sounds like this week turned into quite a bear," she gave a small smile combined with a sympathetic frown.

"Yeah, it happens sometimes...over now though," he sat up a little straighter and paused while the waitress brought Gina her coffee and took their orders. He wasn't really one to talk about cases outside of work, so he changed the subject. "How was your week?"

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