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  "Let's seal and eliminate them!" cried Athena, who was gazing at Poseidon. "But how can we do that? They're indestructible. They're already dead!" hollered Hades. "Silence!" demanded Zeus. Everyone was speechless for period of time. Then Hades stood up. "Hermes, do you have extra flying shoes that work?" "Yes indeed," he replied. "We can only go in, but we can't get out. Only Hermes and I can roam these places. We should think about a way we can withdraw from the underworld after we enter," said Hades. Hermes added,"I have teleportation stones we can use to teleport back." "Fair enough, I will be waiting for you guys in the underworld." Hades muttered. "This may be another war between us and the souls," Zeus roared, "Everyone get prepared for WAR!"

However, in the underworld, the souls were already halfway there to the surface. The ground was rumbling, entire buildings fell over, people were running, the streets of Athens was in complete chaos. 

As Hades and Hermes approached the underworld, the first thing they noticed were the humongous swarm of souls hammering their way to the surface. The faces of the souls were hallow and all signs of life were drained away from them. Hades felt extremely uncomfortable in the underworld, even though he had lived here his entire life, They went over the plan several times, yet they still were unsure. 

Both of the gods had fear in their eyes even though the gods tried to look brave. Hades shot a blot of black fire at the souls, but it just past through them. Hermes with his super-speed tried to punch the souls but also had no effect . Hades decided to send Hermes up to the surface to send the message that they had no effect on any attack, and tell the gods to retreat to a safer place until we think of a plan to defeat the souls. 

The Athenians had already noticed this, they went to the Police station and asked "WHAT SHOULD WE DO!!!! WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN?!!! ARE WE ALL GOING TO DIE?!?!!". The officers replied, "We're trying our best, so BE QUIET and tell everyone not to ask us again!!!"The peopleran out hopelessly, but stayed positive, knowing the gods will figure everything out. Unfortunately, they were wrong. The souls continued more and more to come out and to destroy the whole Earth. Meanwhile, Hades and Zeus were worried the souls will defeat them, so they decided to make an army, the Sulias. The Sulias were an elite supernatural force created by the gods to defeat the undead and send them back to the deepest pits of Tartarus, 

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