New First Impressions

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Adrien and Nino pulled ahead to approach the counter first, having been to this specific deli many times and already knowing what they wanted. Adrien looked back and asked casually, "Know what you would like Marinette?"

She jumped slightly and quickly looked up at the menu, naming the first thing she saw and saying, "I'll probably get the tomato soup."

"And that as well please," Adrien told the cashier, smiling happily at Marinette's sharp gasp.

"Wait no don't pay for me!"

"Too late," he teased, overjoyed at the friendship he seemed to have created on the way here, paying for their meals. He walked away with his hands in his pockets, shooting Marinette a grin as he went to claim a table for the four of them.

Nino, not to be outdone, payed for Alya's meal as well as his own despite the similar protest, staring on in wonder as Marinette stuttered and frantically tried to pay Adrien back. He didn't allow it obviously, loving how flustered she was at his small gesture. It was cute, he had to admit, how she reacted.

Nino pulled on Alya's arm, distracting her from her fixation on the absolutely insane scene before them.

"Is this really happening?" he asked, and she shook her head slowly in amazement.

"I can't believe it, is... is he flirting with her? Is that what that is? Or is he really so set on being friendly to her?"

"I thiiink it's friendly," Nino answered uncertainly, "but he seems to be having fun. And Marinette too, she's half a second away from fainting at any given moment but she's interacting with him which is a step forward."

All in all, it was a good thing, even if no one was quite sure what the thing itself was.

Marinette looked like she needed a break, so when she slid to the seat closest to the window Alya sat next to her to give her some breathing room from the blonde of the group. Adrien was still sitting directly across from her but it was better at least. The friends fell in to happy conversation, Marinette staying fairly quiet and staring out the window. She needed to recharge a little, her usual interaction level with Adrien being completely shattered in one day. She couldn't sort through it now, she would explode, so she strategically thought of nothing and just tracked raindrops as they formed tiny rivers on the glass. Easier said than done really... but she was trying.

When the food arrived she ate quietly, chiming in with a comment every now and then as Nino and Adrien dominated the current conversation. Alya gave her a comforting pat on the knee which she appreciated, and when she felt her phone go off in her pocket she slyly looked down to read the message.

"You okay? What happened!?- Alya"

Marinette smiled at the message and quickly typed out a reply.

"Everything ever happened, I'll tell you about it later. I'm okay, sorta overwhelmed so a little quiet- Marinette"

That seemed fair, lucky girl had basically just cuddled her crush for the entire walk to the deli so she might be in shock still.

The boys were talking about video games, and Marinette saw an opportunity to be engaged but still not have to talk much, while also learning something about Adrien.

"Hey guys," she interrupted, both of them turning to look at her but Adrien's eyes holding all of her attention. She hesitated for a second, her heart trying to break free from her chest and run to him, before managing, "Just out of curiosity what is your favorite video game?"

Both boys groaned instantly and the girls couldn't help but laugh at the intense consideration on their faces. Such a simple question sealed the conversation for the rest of lunch into an out loud debate with mostly themselves about what their favorite might be. Seeing Adrien so animated up close was amazing, he was usually more reserved and calm. Now however he was more alert, smiling and laughing genuinely and not out of politeness. He seemed to get self-conscious sometimes, wondering if he was being rude or annoying, but at least one of the other three were quick to reassure him that it was okay. He felt the best when it was Marinette who did it, giving him a soft smile or nod to encourage him to continue with whatever he was saying. Adrien always felt a little awkward and worried if he was doing something wrong because he was home schooled for most of his life and wasn't always sure of himself as a result. Then his friend's would laugh at his jokes, or tease him, or engage in the things he was interested in and he would feel more at ease.

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