Property of the Queen

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"It's been almost an hour." Adrien was pacing on a small strip of dry pavement, located in an alleyway to the side of Marinette's home.

"The rain is getting worse..." Plagg whimpered, burrowing even further into his charge's jacket. It was still damp from his fall earlier in the day, but it was better than the raging downpour less than two feet away.

Adrien looked down at the shaking kwami with a frown, reaching in to his jacket to try and warm him with his hands. He was careful not to bring him out into the open air, not because he was afraid of being spotted, but because he knew the cold would be worse.

"This is stupid... shouldn't Chloe have gone berserk by now? Maybe she didn't get possessed after all."

"Our luck isn't that good," Plagg commented, drawing a sigh from Adrien.

"Yeah you're right about that."

He pulled out his phone, using one hand to unlock it and the other to continue cradling Plagg. The bright screen opened directly to the page he had been using less than five minutes ago, and he scrolled through the main page of the LadyBlog looking for any report of an Akuma sighting.

He had to hand it to Alya, when it came to all things Ladybug, she sometimes got the scoop first before even the proper news channels. However, there was nothing, , the latest post still her speculation on ancient Ladybugs and Cat Noirs from the night before.

Suddenly there was a small noise of surprise from Plagg before he shouted, "Call for you!"

Adrien activated the transformation immediately, once again despising the sharp unpleasant reaction he felt from being so close to the rain. He had been fine just a second ago. It was the most frustrating thing in the world.

Pressed against the wall, Cat Noir grabbed his staff and clicked the small green paw, answering the steady beep that signaled an incoming call.

"My lady!" he called happily, trying to keep his visible cringing from the rainwater to a minimum.

Ladybug smiled back at him from the screen, stealing his breathe away before she had even said a word.

"Hey kitty cat, I see the rain is still bothering you."

"Yeah yeah," he muttered, making her laugh.

"Well I've got just the thing for that. As it turns out it's your lucky day for once. The designer just called it in, she's got a hood prepped and ready to go for you. It's a good thing too, according to her there is a potential akuma attack ready to break out any second and I could use your help with it when it does."

She smiled at his happy dance, the background of the call blurring as he twirled.

"Listen, I don't want you running around without it, is there somewhere Marinette can meet you?" To her surprise Cat was shaking his head before she was even half way through her sentence.

"She's done enough, give me an address and I'll be there as soon as I can."

"But Cat -"

"No buts, she is doing me a huge favor. I won't let her get sick running around Paris in this ocean." He lifted his umbrella, glad it was a non-descript black that anyone could have. "I can make it there fine, just give me the address."

Ladybug sighed but relented. Cat Noir played his part and exclaimed in fake delighted surprise, "Wow as luck would have it, I'm literally next door!"

"Wait what really?" she said in a rush, glancing away from the screen to the balcony of her room nervously. Cat was already in motion, opening the umbrella. "Oh that's really great okay call me when you have it BYE."

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