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"What do you think?"

Marinette's father leaned over Adrien with an eager expression, watching as the boy bit into a freshly baked pastry of his making. It was an original recipe specific to the family bakery, and he had thought it appropriate for a new friend of his daughter's to try, especially one with so much potential.

Marinette was desperately wishing her parents would stop swarming him, coming up with treats and bread for them when they had been rooting around in the kitchen.

"It's amazing, sir!" Adrien praised Tom, responding to the man's infectious enthusiasm. "You are a very talented man, I can see where Marinette gets it from."

Tom beamed as Adrien had been hoping he might, wanting to make a good impression. The large man seemed ecstatic to receive praise not only on his craft, but also on his daughter.

"Well, you certainly seem to have good taste!" Tom laughed, turning to depart. When his back was turned to his daughter, he winked at the handsome lad. "I'm glad you like them, have as many as you want!"

Adrien choked on pastry from the comment, and wasn't able to recover in time to reply before the man was gone. He was burning red and focused intently on his food, he didn't have to look over to Marinette to know that she was in a similar state.

Marinette was mortified! She couldn't believe her father, she was going to kill him, what was he thinking!?

When her mother left temporarily to check on the laundry, she whispered hoarsely, "I am so sorry about them. They are really sweet honest, they just get sorta... excited."

Adrien looked up at her, easily able to tell that she felt humiliated, and something in him desperately urged him to fix it.

"Hey, no, it's fine!" he smiled, finding it easy to discard his own embarrassment when faced with hers. "I've been alone with Alya and Nino all morning. Trust me, that was mild."

Marinette gave an airy laugh, rubbing at her neck nervously but feeling a little better.

"I really like them," Adrien added, looking off in the direction her mother had gone, "They seem really nice. And your dad's so happy, it's really cool. They are both very friendly."

Marinette took a slow bite from her pastry, biding her time to form an answer.

"They like you too," she responded finally, giving him a warm smile, "I'm sure they'd love to have you around, so you're welcome any time."

He was stunned by the sudden offer, but smiled at the idea of returning to the warm bakery. He liked watching their family dynamic, the way Marinette had hugged her mother and happily introduced her, welcoming him into the fold almost instantly. Sabine had been so friendly, insisting on a hug and giving him a miniature tour of their home while Tom brought up the food. She had shown him all the rooms, each one having a story she summarized in passing. It was amazing.

He had a feeling that Sabine's quick acceptance had something behind it, the way she watched him as he joked with her husband seeming almost... heavy. She had started telling him stories and asking him about himself as soon as they met, so he had a suspicion that she knew something about him and his home life, probably from Marinette. She had made a grand effort right off the bat to make him feel welcome, and he was extremely grateful for it.

"That sounds awesome," he said finally, smiling happily at Marinette. He didn't mind the teasing. If he could deal with Nino, he could deal with anyone. He knew where his love lie.

Adrien filled himself on the wide variety of breads and treats supplied by Marinette's parents, astounded by how much they had made to prep for his arrival. In just the small time that he had been there, he could see characteristics he saw in Tom and Sabine (as they insisted on being called) reflected in their daughter. It was interesting to see the sources of Marinette's sweet, caring nature as well as her bubbly fun side.

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