11.excuses & lies

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a whole week pasted since the talent show and the news traveled around fast in school, it was if everybody knew about the boys little preform which caused a few people to laugh and snicker, mainly at the reason they lost to an act of girls, but the boys didn't let that get to them. it's also been a week since my mom got laid off her job. everyday she would leave early for an interview and no later would she be back home with less hope of finding a job then ever.

"skyler are you even listening to me?" donnie groaned, frantically waving his hands in order to get my attention.

falling out of my trance i let out a little yawn and nodded. "uhm..yeah. i'm sorry"

"are you okay sky? you seem off today" jonathan asked, his words were dripping with worry, it almost made me crack a smile at how much he cared. almost at the same time danny and jordan nodded, making it known they were agreeing with him.

"i'm fine guys, honestly."

throwing his arms around my shoulder donnie gave me tight side hug. "good, so you're coming to practice after school right?"

lord knows i wanted to go but i couldn't. since my mom was going to be out job hunting all day i promised her i would go straight home after school was over and take care of everything that needed to be done around the house.

"i can't make it i'm sorry" i sighed, shrugging donnies arm off.

"why not?" he gave me a confused look, you could tell he was kinda taken back by my response. since the group was formed i never missed any of their practice days. but it wasn't like they needed me there.

although donnie is my best friend i didn't feel comfortable telling him or the guys about my home situation just yet, i was still trying to take in everything myself. "cant...i have a doctors appointment." the lied flowed from my mouth.

"oh, are you getting a shot? i'm sorry my little sky" donnie sung, in a teasing manner.

"well.. we'll miss you" jordan blurted out before the warning bell rung. giving him a small smile i darted my way to class without saying another word to any of the guys.

I haven't updated in a lonnnnng time, i'm sorry guys! and im sorry this is really short, it's just a filler chapter plus i just wanted to get something posted. I'll try to update more regularly or at least as much as i did before.

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