12.arguments & talks

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2 weeks later
it was a friday afternoon and all the guys including myself were at the knight household just hanging out. it felt nice.

"i miss hanging out with you guys, we haven't had much hangout time" i sighed while resting my feet on jordans lap. we were all huddling in the living room area. me, joey & jordan occupying one couch while jonathan laid out on the other, leaving danny and donnie no other choice but to relax on the carpeted floor.

"your fault" donnie scuffed. he hasn't been to happy with me lately since i'm suddenly never available to do anything anymore. the other guys were more understanding but donnie's donnie, my bestfriend since forever. i would've been surprised if he wasn't acting this way.

taking in the harsh tone of donnie's word joey decided to lighten up the atmosphere. "is there another group of boys you're leaving us for. don't forget about me" he joked 

playing along with him, i ruffled his newly cut hair and dramatically placed my hand over my heart. "oh my boys, you are the only ones dear to me"

i giggled earning a laugh from everybody but donnie."and joey with eyes bluer then the ocean how could i forget you"

"then what's the reason for you not being around anymore?" donnie asked, his voice was laced with annoyance causing all the laughter and smiles to die down.

"i told you already.." i coughed, hoping he wouldn't push the subject. i could feel jordan lightly squeeze my foot, almost in a reassuring manner.

"bullshit sky! i know you to well to know all those excuse are bullshit. do you really think i believe you have a doctors appointment everyday for a week. how dumb do you think i am huh?" donnie's voice was slighty louder then i wanted it to be and i just hoped mr and mrs.knight wouldn't come down and check on us because all the commotion.

"can you keep it down" i croaked. i didn't know what else to say, i knew everything that came out of donnies mouth was true but i couldn't find myself to just tell him the truth.

"you're probably the worst friend ever, if you don't wanna be around us anymore just– " before donnie got to finish his statement danny placed a hand on his shoulder basically telling him to let it go.

"that's enough man" jordan cut in
without saying another word donnie stood up and stormed out of the knight's home. everyone sat still, not knowing what exactly to do. sending an apologetic smile my way danny stood up aswell and left, probably to go search for donnie and make sure he doesn't get into unnecessary trouble.

"i think i'm gonna call my mom now" joey stammered.

by now everybody was gone. joeys ride came and jonathan escaped up to his room, now it was just myself and jordan.

"you wanna talk about what happened?" he asked carefully. shaking my head no, i blankly starred ahead looking at nothing.

letting a minute of silence fill between us, i sucked in a deep breath and turned to jordan. "be honest with me, do you think i'm a bad friend?"

staring directly in my eyes jordan answered me without much thought. "of course not sky, anybody would be lucky to call you a friend"

"that's not how donnie see's me" i groaned leaning back into the soft couch.

"i don't think he meant what he said, he was just mad. sometimes we say things we don't mean when we're mad, especially if your names donnie wahlberg"

"he seemed pretty serious if you ask me"

"he just doesn't understand i mean none of us really do.."

leaning forward i locked eyes with jordan studying his face as he spoke. "then why aren't you guys accusing me of being a bad friend" i laughed bitterly.

" you and donnie are best friends, i don't think it's just the fact you aren't around as much is what's bothering him.. it's the fact that you aren't telling him what the problem is. you guys usually tell each other everything."

taking in jordans words everything started to make more sense to me and now I felt even worse then before. donnie was right i'm a bad friend.

"look you guys have probably one of the most genuine friendships i've ever seen. i could see where he's coming from.. just don't let something like this stop you guys from being friends you know" jordan finished. i wasn't sure if it were even possible but i admired him more then before.

swallowing a lump of spit in my throat i fixed my posture and sighed. here goes nothing i thought. "my mom got fired from her job three weeks ago which is why i haven't been able to be around as much, between job searching for myself and my mom, plus house chores and worrying about what we're gonna eat tonight i haven't had much time for you guys.. i'm sorry" i choked. i could feel the tears threatened to spill from my eyes but they never came down.

giving me a sorrowful look jordan opened his slender arms and wrapped me in a tender embrace while rubbing my back in a soothing manner. "i'm sorry sky" he cooed.

i wanted nothing more but to stay in his warm arms forever but i had to be more realistic. once he pulled away i tried my best to smile but that didn't work out.

"i think you should tell donnie, he'd understand."

"you sure" i asked, kinda hesitant. i was sorta shocked that i even told jordan but i felt as if i didn't free myself from this sooner of later i was gonna explode.

"of course i am" he beamed.

getting off the comfortable couch, i smoothed out my black high waisted jeans and pulled down my grey blouse. "thank you jordan.." i expressed genuinely, without him i wouldnt know what to do.

"you're welcome."

"look at you wise and cute" i joked before making my way towards the front entrance. "any girl would be lucky to have you"

putting his hands in his front pocket, jordan quickly looked down, trying to hide his small blush. "i sure hope so.."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2017 ⏰

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