Chapter 4 ⚡ Anathematize

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'It's all ephemeral, it's all so volatile.' Leaves quivered in the breeze, his achromic hair hovering ever so slightly before sinking chaotically against his skull. Cinereal eyes watched the clouds, pale against the endless blue and orange, the faint twinkling of stars still clung stubbornly to the empyrean, reminding him of his own shimmering cosmic event. The boy who lived, the boy who had barged into his life, into his heart. Slowly, his world darkened as steel orbs fell hidden by long lashes, the palms of his ashen skin scraped against rough stone as he held himself up, merely enjoying the stillness of his hiding place. Here the roof was slanted just enough to send small tendrils of adrenaline shooting through his veins, just not slanted enough to send him skidding down over the edge.

The air was thinner at this height, fresher yet harder to breathe, it lulled him, tamed the beast that grew restless beneath his breast. His mind was not so muddled when he came here, and he found he could sift through his thoughts, excogitate each one individually before stashing them away for later use or to be forgotten. His fingers slid into his pale villus and he laid back, one knee bent to brace himself against the tiles of the roof.

'Balanced on the edge of a knife, one wrong move and all of this could fall apart. One slip and I could plunge into the fog below, a few moments of fear and then darkness would win.'

Soft footfalls resounded within the tower, approaching his window. The muscles in his back contracted, tensing, his breathing slowly till there was next to no air escaping him. From the open window, the scent rushed him, familiar and welcoming, he knew the Gryffindor had enough of ignoring this habit of his. The dark haired boy popped his head out like a damned jack in the box, peering over the edge. The air shifted as Harry yanked himself out the window, his feet slipping against the tiles as he eased himself over to the Slytherin. Like burning embers, the small hand on his chest reminded him that he was still him, and his arm slid around Harry's waist. Leave it to the boy wonder to fall and break his damn neck.


Malfoy had opened his eyes, just enough to barely make out the form of Harry, partially leaned up, fingers still curled into the front of his uniform.

"Why what?" In the thin air, even he noticed how husky his voice sounded.

"Why do you pick the most dangerous places to hide?" Harry's voice held a tinge of excitement to it, and it brought back the thoughts that had hazardously plagued him over the past three days.

His movements were swift, pushing himself up, he leaned over, pinning the male beneath him, the position precarious, even for him.

"Don't lie, you love it as much as I do, you like putting yourself in danger, you like the knowledge that your life could end." The concept was enticing, the danger made his blood sing and to know that Harry felt similar to him, that the Gryffindor was just as ready as he was to jump off the edge of the knife they had been balancing on.

'A dangerous feeling. Love. Look what love tore apart. The lives that it has ruined, all the horrible things done in its name.'

Who said he was falling in love with Potter?

'The beast knows all. Your emotions are mine.'

Anger, his fingers curled into fists and his world became red. Something shivered beneath him, like a slap to the face, Malfoy was brought back, and watched Harry. The dark haired teen was frightened, eyes wide, but his warm hand was cupping Draco's cheek, and the Slytherin boy watched the other with parted lips, his breath coming out in heavy puffs of white smoke.

'He's scared. You scared him. Tsk Tsk.'

It was infuriating, having this voice repeat the words he had already prepensed. Breathing became a hinderance, the air catching in his throat. He upheaved both of them, his movements phlegmatic, conscientious of the fragile man in his arms. He first helped Harry clamber back into the window, his own fingers curling around the seal as he dangled for a moment. He cherished the air for a few seconds before he slithered back inside himself. Keeping his back to the wizard, he slowly closed the window, returning the latch to its locked position. He knew he was prolonging the time before he had to face Potter again. Slowly, he faced the wizard, eyes widening when Harry forcefully pushed himself into Draco's arms. Slowly, gray eyes closed, and he buried his nose into the warmth of Harry's neck.

His pulse reverberated against Draco's skin, his sense hyper aware of what was happening inside the man in his arms. The wetness of tears against his own neck made guilt wrench in Draco's chest, bringing his long chased thoughts back. Neither of them belonged here, neither of them fit in any longer. He wondered, maybe this was just because they fit together, maybe the feelings that had begun to stir in the stone of his heart, maybe it was just because he and Harry shared a commonplace in the structure of Hogwarts. They both were unintentionally ostracized by the student body. Be it inappropriate questions being launched at them, or everyone around them avoiding getting too close. It seemed to Draco, like the only explanation for why he suddenly felt the need to kiss Harry that day.

"You said you would tell me." The small voice pulled him free of his thoughts,Harry wasted no time tonight. Draco buried his face further into Harry's shoulder, after everything this had to be tolerable, right? Darkness shrouded his world again, the light blocked by the fabric of others cloak. The sound of Harry's breathing, lungs constricting, heart beating in a quickened tandem that brought out the slightest bit of worry within the pureblood.

'Not anymore..'

The voice taunted him, reminded him of his own shortcomings and his angers began building again, a great pressure in the pit of his stomach. He felt his muscles constrict, felt himself steeling himself around the magus who so willing threw himself into this position, being held by a monster.

"Ouch. Draco, you're squeezing me too tight." Harry's words were rushed and breathy with the strain to pull in air. Slowly, he felt the quickening of the pulse against his cheek as the strain grew, and Draco felt the panic rise, felt as Harry dug his nails into Draco's arm, something about this was tantalizing. Something about having the man panicking spoke too something within the depth of his soul, yet in the same moments, something began to burn deep inside of him. Anger at himself for allowing this to happen, yet despite all of this, the pleasurable moment, the feeling of power, would not allow him to relinquish his hold.

Harry squired, his hands releasing Draco and dropping down, was the wizard giving up so easily? Would he take Potter's life here? Would he do something that would end both of their misery? Something pushed against the flesh of his torso, and his instinct kicked in, the hairs on the back of his neck standing on end. The whispered spell made his eyes widen, but pride coursed through him at Harry's quick thinking and willingness to survive. Draco felt himself in free-fall, pushed across the towers and landing hard against the stone.

Green eyes were ablaze with fury all of which was directed at him, he took as much as he could before he averted his eyes. Lips parted to say something, but it appeared Harry had enough for one night, he turned, storming from the tower. Draco looked back to the window, a sigh escaping his parted lips, the words hidden amongst it surprised him.

"I'm sorry." 

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