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I stayed up all night, trying to figure out what Jai's short message meant.

Eventually the radio stopped playing, and only frustrating static noises could be heard. In anger, I picked up the radio and threw it across the room, watching it shatter to pieces.

He's alive.

That's all I knew.

When the sun broke dawn and its lights crept into my room, I slipped my shoes on and made my way out the door. I can't stay in motels or other places for too long, people have a tendency to call the police for an odd reason.

No matter, I haven't been caught yet and I don't plan on it any time soon. I don't have time for that nonsense.

I walked out of the room and up the street, away from the motel. I continued my walk as I did everyday, and to be honest with you I have no idea why I'm only walking. I keep walking as if Jai will bump into me or as if I'll see him up the street. To be fair though, I have a feeling I'm going in the right direction and that episode last night only proves my point.

I walked all morning, and my stomach growled but I didn't care. I kept walking.

Until another force hit me from behind, knocking me harshly on the ground. I groaned in pain, and I rolled my eyes at the fool who didn't know who he had just ran into.

"Get off me!" I yelled annoyed, pushing the unknown person off of me.

"Sorry! I didn't see you. I was just-"

"How do you not see another human in front of you? How do you accidentally run into another body?!" I questioned in aggravation, this person was slowing me down.

"I was just running, and I turned around for a split second and then you came out of nowhere." Said the person, who I came to find out was a boy with light green eyes and brown hair.

"Well watch where you're going." I hissed, turning away from him and continuing my walk.

"Okay jeez I'm sorry, no need to get your panties in a twist." The boy said.

Did he just?

"I'd watch my mouth if I were you." I chuckled.

"I need a mirror for that. I can't really see it with my eyes. I've tried." He replied with a stupid laugh.

"Aren't you witty."

"The wittiest."

I rolled my eyes and then continued to walk away from the boy, his character was aggravating me beyond measures.

"Where are you going?" The boy asked as he jogged up next to me.

You've gotta be kidding me.

"None of your concern." I told him, keeping my eyes forward.

"Wherever it is, it's got you quite angry." The boy shrugged.

"You're right, so if I were you I'd leave me alone." I flashed him a sarcastic smile.

"Oh c'mon, you shouldn't be alone." The boy said.

"I'll come with you!" He added excitedly.

"What the- no! Who even are you?!" I waved my arms about frustratedly.

"I'm Eric." He smiled.

"Well, Eric, you and I are strangers. So no."

"You know my name, so we're not strangers anymore." Eric shrugged.

"The answer is still no." I said to him.

"Why not?! I could keep you company!" Eric explained.

"I don't need company, I need to find my brother. So be a good boy and run back home."

"You're looking for your brother? Is this a rescue mission?! Dude I'm so in!" Eric shouted, and I really wanted to hit him.

"Please? I can help! You can't do this on your own." He begged, and stopped in my tracks to face him.

"Why are you so determined to come with me? You don't know me! Why aren't you at home? Where's your family? Huh? Go. Back. Home."

"I can't." He sighed.

"Why not? It's easy. Just turn around, walk out of my life and towards your house." I shrugged.

"I ran away from home." He said.

"I'm probably gonna regret asking this, but why?"

"I got tired of everything. My parents are barely alive and my sister wouldn't care if I died tomorrow. I'm just an extra body in the house. Ever since my older brother died, my parents became walking corpses without emotion. My sister thinks I killed him." Eric said, looking down at the ground.

"I have no one." He added.

For a split second I saw Jai's face on this boy, and I had to say,

"You have me."

I'd never want Jai to feel alone.

Eric smiled at me, and then he asked,

"What's your name?"


"Well, thanks Luke. You seem like a good guy."

"I have my manners." I said with a smile, and then I told him,

"Mind yours if you insist to stay with me. I have no tolerance for disrespect. You can ask Ricky about that."

"Who's Ricky?"

"I'm a good guy remember? He's just someone who was very rude, and I helped him out."


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