Author's Note

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My dear readers,

Thank you for keeping up with this story, and for forgiving the long hiatus. This one gave me a bit of trouble. The ending quite surprised me. In fact, most of this story surprised me. I can honestly say that the story at the end of this book is not the one I set out to tell. I hope it's better.

I'd also like to say that my Bobbi Morse in no way reflects the one from the comics, or 'Agents of SHIELD'. I actually like her very much in the TV show, and she's not half bad in the comics.

I may do one more book. I've got a rough outline of it, and I think it would be a blast to write. I'd include new characters, possibly use HYDRA as the villains, and set up a very different life for our master assassins. I'd like very much to include Coulson's new SHIELD, and the other Avengers. I'm not making any promises, though.

With that, I think we'll call this story complete.

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