Ignorance is your new bestfriend

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★Ignorance is your new bestfriend

-An LOTR and The Hobbit fanfiction

-Pairing: Legolas x Modern!O.C(Celine Silverheart)

-By: LadyAlicerius21

-----☆Work Text:

It had already been a few months since the Prince of Mirkwood, Legolas, son of Elvenlking Thranduil from the Woodland Realms appeared right in her doorstep.

It just happened to be one of the nights when she's home alone and was watching The Lord Of The Rings after being so taken with The Hobbit, that a sudden lightning storm had hit their area and disrupted any form of electrical connections. The rain poured hard outside and practically pounded the roof that she almost didn't notice the timid knocks on their front door. The rapping grew persistent that they eventually made itself known to the girl curled up in a ball on her favorite posh blue beanbag.

Lethargically pulling herself up to her feet, she remembered cautiously padding through the carpeted floors of her room down the stairs wearing her favorite teal sweater and black sweats with tiny teal stars on it that perfectly matched her black and grey socks.

Upon opening the door she came face to face with a rather drenched and achingly familiar elf that she spent a good few minutes gawking at because she was just watching him on the telly a few moments ago and now he's here knocking at her doorstep. The equally confused prince decided to break the silence by coughing uncomfortably.

"Oh, right, I'm so sorry about that, " the girl scratched the back of her long midnight blue curls and with an embarrassed laugh, stepped to the side, "it's raining hard outside and you're drenched, let's get you dry."

Legolas furrowed his brows at the sudden invitation and stood rooted to his spot on the front porch, "as much as I appreciate your offer, my lady. You could not just let any stranger inside your home at this hour, especially when, " he glanced a bit at the interior of the house before turning back to meet her soft lavender eyes, "you are currently presumably alone."

The teen blinked at this, it seems as if the prince doesn't know that she clearly knows him from the films-doesn't even seem to be aware that there was one where he is indeed included, "okay, but you did knock on my door so I assumed you needed help. Now, do you?" A fair blonde head nodded at this, "Maybe we could begin with introductions? I'm Celine, and are you, by any chance, the actor Orlando Bloom or a devote cosplayer?" She tilted her head to the side, admiring the intricately made costume the spot-on Legolas cosplayer wore.

The elf looked all the more lost at the statement, "Pardon? I do not know of this particular beings that you speak of, my lady. I am Legolas, of Mirkwood..." He trailed off and looked at his surroundings before remembering to bow as almost an after-thought.

Celine only blinked at this, so this is legitimately The Prince of Mirkwood on her doorstep. There's no mistaking the innocent obliviousness written all over his features at the moment. He could definitely not be some loony con-man, there's just too much truth on the confused emotions swirling in his deep blue eyes that it practically stabbed her heart with complete unrivalled empathy -she'd always been a softy, almost to a fault- and so it didn't really surprise her when she grabbed his hand and pulled his doused form inside her home, "and you must already be aware that although this is earth, it is definitely not the world that you come from." She began and locked the door behind her, walking closer to inspect the figure and tiptoeing to tug the points of his ears.

Legolas made a sound of pain and attempted to pull away from her prodding hands, "Please do refrain from touching the ears, my lady, it simply hurts. Most when you are doing whatever it was that you did earlier." He gently grabbed her hands and lowered it with a grimace still lingering on his handsome face.

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