Age can be your frenemy

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★Age can be your frenemy

-A LOTR and The Hobbit fanfiction

-Pairing: Legolas Greenleaf x Modern! O.C

-A sequel to the fic: Ignorance is your new best friend

-Alternate title: Weekender

-----☆Work Text:

It was sometime in the night when Celine woke up to the vacated space beside her. Laying a hand on the crumpled sheets beneath, she noted that it was still warm. A sign that whoever laid there had just gone up a few minutes ago.

Considering that she would no longer be able to sleep in the absence of that person anymore, she decided to look for him instead.

Stretching her arms, she chanced a look on the automatic clock that rested on her bedside table, it glowed an eerie soft teal '1:30 am', thanking the gods that today's a Saturday and she wouldn't have any business with the council until a few weeks. She decided that this particular sleep disturbance was not the least bit bothersome at all.

Delving deeper into the case at hand, the girl recalled the other nights that the prince would rouse ahead of her during the wee hours in the morning and realized that it had all been random.

It's not as if it hadn't been known to her that elves practically don't sleep, but Legolas would always often do so especially when he is to lay beside her. He'd always claimed that he found an unrivalled sense of solace whenever he has her tucked safely underneath the covers with him, so much that it actually eased his mind to peaceful slumber more often than not. Sometimes she'd wake up and see his piercing blue hues staring right back at her, unseeing, fast asleep.

Elves sleep with their eyes open, it seemed. Not once did it bother her though, she always loved seeing his serene depths of blue anytime of the day, be it awake or in slumber. Although sometimes he'd have them closed just for the sheer purpose of resting his eyes.

With the thought that those familiar piercing blue gems are nowhere to be seen at the moment, she quickly slung her legs to the edge of the bed and stood up, determined to search for the prince before she goes back to sleep.

It didn't take her long to find him though, for when she turned around her lilac hues were met with her supposedly drawn royal blue curtains opened to reveal the back of her beloved who's currently leaning on the rails as he seemingly admired the view down below and up above the moonlit sky.

Approaching the huge window, as if she's in a trance, Celine minded to keep her footsteps light and unnoticeable. Eyes still fixated on the tantalizing figure before her.

Her hands moved in their own accord, slipping the large glass doors that separated her moderately warm room from the crisp midnight air open, careful not to break the serenity that seemed to drape over the prince and the scenery like a thin sheen of expensive linen.

"Forgive me. Have I roused you from your slumber, melamin?" His velvety voice asked, half-turning to acknowledge her presence. Of course he'd notice her, using his elvish senses or not, he'd recognize those pair of light-footed steps anywhere in the world.

It signifies his precious lady approaching afterall.

She shook her head, still stunned speechless by the breathtaking sight before her. Elves are -by nature- undoubtedly fair creatures, as the tales and stories about them portrayed and told. But the Prince of Mirkwood?

Soft tendrils of platinum hair smoothly flowing over his shoulders and down his back like a silken cape, piercing blue eyes mirroring the serene morning skies and glowing bright with what seemed to be an inner sun within his orbs even at this late an hour, pristine snow white skin glistening in the moonlight, sculpted features and a slender build that is both agile and strong.

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