Week One

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Hey everyone! :D

So this is it! The official start of our book club! I hope you're all as excited as I am :)

So, I've been thinking about dividing the groups and the "Book of the Week" and I must say that things will be a bit different than described in the "What we'll do" section of this book.

I think it would be more productive to make groups of three every week. And in order to make sure every "Book of the Week" will be read in the same amount of time as reading the other books, I came to the conclusion that at least two books of the weeks hould be chosen every week. This can be three books a few times. But instead of reading two chapters of the books of the week, I'll reduce it to reading one chapter and comment on it. I hope you don't mind this change, but it was necessary, otherwise it wouldn't have come out fair and square in the end.

I also would like to say that the books and partners are chosen randomly. As in: I've put all the author's names and books in two jars and have just randomly picked out the pieces of paper.

So without further ado, these are the two "Books of the Week":

- "Seeing Double" by beverleftie

- "Caught" by Eye-Spy

And here are the groups:

Group 1

- Eye-Spy with "Caught"

- lcmartins07 with "The Story of Us"

- Theres-Only-One with "Defiance"

Group 2

- beverleftie with "Seeing Double"

- vintagebeats with "Tea Breaks"

- xMalloryx3 with "Wild Darkness"

Group 3

- NyxNorth with "Athanaton"

- lilacrachel with "Spellbound"

- SpaceAdventurer_11 with "Celestial"

Group 4

- AnimeStoleMyLife with "Fruits That Are Forbidden"

- xxlumeniaxx "Slayer: The Saintly Rings" and "Just A Game"

- exactumundo with "Recessional"

The assignments for this week are the following:

- Read at least two chapters of each of your partners' books and comment on these two chapters. The comments must be constructive ones of at least two sentences long.

- Read one chapter of each "Book of the Week" and comment on it. This comment must also be a constructive one of at least two sentences long.

If you have read your partners' books before, please continue reading where you left off and tell me on which chapters you commented. If the "Books of the Week" are the same as one or both your partners' books, then please read and comment on three chapters instead of 2.

You have time to complete these assignments until next Sunday evening ( August 14th). If you didn't complete them, you'll get a strike.

I will check if you've done these assignments by looking up your comments and will keep track of it in a file on my computer. So please don't lie about having done the assignments if you haven't, for I'll know ;)

I also would like to say that our first "Getting to know each other" thread will be held on Friday the 12th of August. As said before: I'll post a thread and give you the link to it and we can discuss all kinds of things. As mentioned before: you are not obliged to participate in it but you can. More information about this will be shared on Tuesday :)

Also: if you're finished with the assignments, please comment 'done' in the comment section below this chapter :)

The groups will be divided again next week on Sunday and two new "Books of the Week" will be chosen then as well.

If you have any questions you can always send me a private message or comment the question in the comment sections below the chapters!

Happy reading everyone! ^^

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