Week Six

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Hello everyone! :D

We are starting our sixth week of the book club! :) I want to thank every single one of you for still being in the club, without you we wouldn't have gotten this far! ;) Thank you!

Now here comes a less pleasant part. I'm so sorry to say this but I'm afraid I have to give AnimeStoleMyLife and Eye-Spy a strike for not completing the assignments this week, because of this I couldn't include you in the groups. You can change this by completing the assignments by next wednesday evening. If you complete them before that time, you'll be divided into groups again. Please contact me through a private message if you have any further questions.

And here are the next 'Books of the Week' :)

These are the two "Books of the Week":

- "Telltales: The Witch" by thecatwrites

- "Just A Game" by xxlumeniaxx

And here are the groups! I divided us in four groups of 3 :) Also: if you are partnered up with someone who has two books, please read both of them! :)

Group 1

- xxlumeniaxx with "Slayer: The Saintly Rings" and "Just A Game"

- jabdulkader with "Wounded Hearts"

- GetYourGoat with "Treeline"

Group 2

- thecatwrites with "Telltales: The Witch"

- lilacrachel with "Spellbound"

- exactumundo with "Recessional"

Group 3

- meltingrelations with "The Special Outcast"

- SpaceAdventurer_11 with "Celestial"

- blackrosedrop with "Anon"

Group 4

- DNSakina with "Forever Love You"

- thehiddenblackpearl with "How I Lost Him"

- lcmartins07 with "The Story of Us"

The assignments for this week are the following:

- Read at least two chapters of each of your partners' books and comment on these two chapters. The comments must be constructive ones of at least two sentences long.

- Read one chapter of each "Book of the Week" and comment on it. This comment must also be a constructive one of at least two sentences long.

If you have read your partners' books before, please continue reading where you left off and tell me on which chapters you commented. If the "Books of the Week" are the same as one or both your partners' books, then please read and comment on 3 chapters instead of 2.

You have time to complete these assignments until next Wednesday evening ( September 21st). If you didn't complete them, you'll get a strike.

I will check if you've done these assignments by looking up your comments and will keep track of it in a file on my computer. So please don't lie about having done the assignments if you haven't, for I'll know ;)

Also: if you're finished with the assignments, please comment'done' in the comment section below this chapter :)

The groups will be divided again next week and two new "Books of the Week" will be chosen then as well.

If you have any questions you can always send me a private message or comment the question in the comment sections below the chapters!

Happy reading everyone! ^_^

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