Chapter 21

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Dereks pov

Dammit Derek snap out of it, focus!
Internally yelling at myself I finally manage to stand, following my feet I find myself at the window- looking out I see a ladder.

"That twerp was planing on leaving before all.. That happened" I murmur, Mr. Stilinski says something but I'm to focused on my own thoughts to hear him

"Come, we have to find Stiles"
I step passed him and over to the door
"That's what I just said" he looks at me confused and we share small looks before both of us rush out into the hall; down the stairs passed the kitchen and out the front door

"I'll walk around here, you Uhm- drive" I ask, Mr. Stilinki nods and gets into his police car- the engine starts and moments later I'm left alone.
I lied I'm not walking around here, I'm running.
Getting down on all fours, my eyes changing red- my nose and ears turning my head drastically until.. Got him; Stiles scent, it's small but I've got it- and I. Will. Not. Loose it

My body is engulfed by the forest as I run towards Stiles scent, I find clear signs of his footsteps in the leafs and mud.

"Stiles!" I growl, not meaning to say it so wolf like..

"Shit no, Stiles scent- I- I can't find it!" My head moves around the forest as I jump from place to place, my vision shoots at a small blue cloth hanging from a sharp branch

Not in a creepy way and walk over and smell it- Stiles, this is his scent for sure

He's been here, but which way did he go!

Stiles pov

Run, just keep running, that's all I can do- the only thing ive ever been good at..


Shit that's Dereks voice, I have to hide
Taking a sharp turn my arm bashes against a tree branch,
I hear a ripping noise- but there is no time to look, I'm already running again. Towards an old building; probably un used for years

I never in a million years would want to go in there alone.. But I don't know what I'll do if- if Derek finds me

I hear a small whimper escape my mouth, my heart is pounding so much- like it's just gonna.. explode!
Or... Asthma..

Minutes ago I was in a brightly lit forest now I'm in a almost completely Black old probably haunted building.. By myself.. Alone with my thoughts

trying to keep myself from going into a darker part of my mind I explore the building

I'm not sure if I should go up any steps Incase there not very stable-

"Stiles!" Dereks voice, it sounds closer; he's in the building!

Well stairs, please don't fail me

I bolt up the stairs, my legs seem to be responding by them selves without my brain telling them to run

"Stiles I know your in here"
Derek speaks again, even closer

Just stay quiet Stiles..
Im still on the steps, I only have a few more until I'm at the top, taking one more step and-


Sharp pains scatter across my leg, my voice escapes my lips without me telling it too. My screams echo in the building

My head feels funny, soon the pain is gone- turning my head down I see Derek running at me- he's saying something but I don't care.
Everything's alright.. Everything cool...

My vision goes black, I'm alone again- just me..

/crunch, crunch/
My eyes open; one at a time- I feel like I'm gonna throw up. Where am I- why does it smell so good

"Don't move Stiles" my body tenses and my heart does a flip, that was Derek's voice. But where is he
Moving my head just a little I realize I'm staring right into his eyes, he's staring in front of himself; clearly avoiding eye contact

My legs are wrapped around his waist, my arms loosely laying over his shoulders
His hands on my thighs holding me up
I try moving and a sharp familiar pain is sent into my leg. I wince closing my eyes- suddenly I feel Derek's hand placed on my head, he pushes me down back onto his chest.
"Don't. Move"
Dereks voice is scruff and scary 

I do as he says, laying against him quietly without moving as he walks us through the forest.
His heart beat is going just as fast as mine, he must have been running- wait what am I talking about he was running after me..
Dammit I'm such an idiot for running

"Don't start crying again"
My attention turns to Derek as he speaks

I want to look at him so bad, but I follow his instruction and don't move

"Please, don't cry again"  Dereks voice cracks, it cracks like he's gonna.. Cry!? What- my ears must be deceiving me- Derek Hale would never cry, especially not for me

"Just don't Stiles, plea-" Derek's voice cracks even more, he coughs before he finishes speaking.
All signs of -about to cry, I would know.

"I.. Won't" I whisper, tightening my grip around his shoulders, I slightly move my head up so its in the crease of his neck.
I feel him jump at my movement. Smiling into his neck, my heart starts slowing, my eyes flutter. As I start falling... A.. Sleep...

Woohoo, Stiles is okay.. Kinda! Uhm so a lot of you have questions and I promise they will all be answered in future chapters, all I need is time. Like I always say love you all- please like and comment! Bye ❤️

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