Chapter 22

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Stiles pov
Waking up; the familiar room comes into view, the metallic smelling bed, darkened lighting, everything's like it was last time I was in the hospital.
Besides one small difference;
A snoring puppy, Derek is sound asleep on the chair next to me
I don't bother to freak out, or think of a millions reasons why he's here. I just focus on the fact he's here and that's good enough for me

As the pillow engulfs my head I turn just slightly until Derek comes back into view

Derek; his head is dropped backwards, laying loosley on the back of the chair, his arms dangling over the armrests, his mouth dropped open.
He's looks almost.. Human

"Mr. Stilinski your awake!" The door slams open, my eyes quickly lock to who has just spoken, my side view can see Derek has woken up, so much for savoring that moment...

"Yep, I'm up!" I try to speak with as much enthusiasm as the doctor did

"Sorry sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to step out- I need to ask Mr. Stilinski here some private questions" Derek follows the orders just given to him, nodding to me- not making eye contact as he passes the bed. His body disappears past the door frame; leaving me and the doctor alone

"So Mr. Stilinski
Seems you've been here a lot this year, getting into trouble aren't you" the doctor laughs, he seems like a nice guy- he's actually bringing my enthusiasm up.

"Yeah I guess" I laugh along with him, the room is full of small snickers and chuckles. After a minute passes we both stop.
I gotta say I like this doctor a lot more then Wanda...

"Anyways, Mr. Stilinski- are you taking any drugs? Medical or not you can tell me" smiling genially, he walks over and sits beside me. He's closest to my - what I assume is broken- leg

"Call me Stiles" I correct, smiling wide with him

"Oh uhm, I use to take anxiety pills but I haven't lately, and after my.. Uhm" my throat suddenly seems really dry.. But my eyes seem wetter- I can feel tears stinging them lightly

The doctor leans in, his smile softens like he's saying -go on-

"My friend, passed.. Not long back.. Actually just a few weeks ago.. And I've been using my fathers old anti-depression pills he used when my mother passed"
The tears stinging the bridge of my eyes start to slide down my cheeks. The dryness in my throat turns into a hard lump.

"And- and I know I shouldn't be taking pills that aren't mine.. But- but I just couldn't-" the doctor places his hand on my shoulder, he stops me from blabbering on, thank god.. Because by now the tears are falling faster, my voice is cracking like glass shattering 
A few moments of sniffles and awkward eye contact the doctors finally speaks again

"are you feeling any pain? Even slight pinches"
While the doctor asks he grabs the clip board attached to the end of my bed, placing it on his lap.
As he stares down at the board he moves his free hand to my morphine, turning it completely off

" erm- I didn't notice any-"
my eyes drop down as the doctor takes grip to my leg. The pain shoots into my body- the shock makes my blood boil and the pain.. The pain makes my head spin
My head tilts up and I try to scream; nothing but cracked breaths escape

"How. About. Now" the doctor; the enthusiastic, smiling, caring doctor  twists his hand around my leg.
The pain is so unbearable.
Please Derek help me!

"D-er-ek" the room around me spins, my vision; the black creeps in the corners of my eyes until it fills it all.
My head which was propped up so I could talk to the Doctor is now hanging loosely against the head board.
The pain still shooting through my leg and into every nerve I have.

"Sleep now Stiles, I wouldn't want you going to the funeral" with those words the doctor leaves, he passes Derek in the hall- giving him a large toothy smile.
Derek gives back a small fake smile before slightly running to the hospital room

"Stiles I-" he stops speaking as he stares down at me, assuming I'm asleep he leaves in silence
and I'm once again left alone

So sorry I haven't update in a while! I'll be updating a lot more! So be ready for that!! Anyways I love you all! Please vote comment and enjoy ⭐️💕

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