Chapter 13

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Stiles pov

No visitors.. No visitors in two days- I'm starting to regret pushing my father away, I mean this is good for him.. He's probably at work or eating lunch with friends.
And it's no surprise that Derek hasn't visited me.. Wanda 'my' nurse said that her and Derek have been going out for coffee, and Derek said the reason he's not visiting is because hospitals give him anxiety
It might just be me but that sounds like a load of bullshit, pardon my French.

"Stiles it's time for your pill" Wanda slithers in like the snake she is, she drops the two pills in my hand- the pills are different colours then the ones I usually take but I just gulp em down along with my curiosity and ask no questions, she's the nurse after all.
I gotta say after being in the hospital for almost a month and having to take the same pills every dam day, a man learns a thing or two. Such as dry swallowing pills.

"Don't just dry swallow, it's bad for you. Also drink some water, we don't wanna see you dehydrated"
Wanda says in her normal chipper voice, the chipper voice she uses to speak to Derek.
Who gave her the right to hang out with him! I mean I don't care that she hangs with Derek I care that she hangs with anyone that young it's just.. Stupid..

"Stiles, Stiles?" Wanda snaps her fingers in front of my face making my body jump in motion, I glare at her and she pulls her hand away- dropping it back to her side.

"Sorry you looked like you where lost in space" She laughs way to hard at her own 'joke' which just makes me scoff louder.

She wipes away a tear and slows her laughter enough to speak

"I'll get going, but you Stiles better get ready. Because today- your getting out"
She quietly claps her hands. jumping up and down. Then she exits.
I'm left alone again- but I'm not sad I'm relived. I'm getting out of this depressing, cramped jail.
If only my stomach didn't hurt...

Two hours passed, I'm standing by a garbage rubbing my arms, all the places the machines where poked inside of me have bandaids on them, which is making my arm super itchy!
I'm lost in my own thoughts, now that I'm out of that cramped room I can really think, why hasn't Scott visited me.. Is he also in the hospital? Maybe I should ask before I leave

"Uhm, excuse me nurs-"
I'm cut off by the tap of my shoulder, my attention swings around to my fathers happy old face.
We exchange words, then hugs. I grip him tight- it feels I haven't seen him in years. Like two days in normal time is three years in hospital time.
My father is the first to pull away, but he keeps a strong grip on my shoulder as he turns and heads for the door

"Shouldn't you sign me out?" I point back to the secretary.

"All taken care of" My father says in a chipper voice, it's like Wandas but it makes me happy not wanna punch him straight in the throat

"You seem happy today"
I speak from the opposite side of the car, pulling the door open my arm cramps. I wince and try to ignore the pain as I hop inside the car.

"Of course I'm happy!" My father jumps in the car with me

"My son got out of the hospital today" He looks over, I stare at him as he gives me a big teeth smile. Before he turns his attentions to the car. The engine starts, then the wheels roll out.
And soon we are driving far away from this hell hole..


"Yeah Stiles"

"Is Derek.. At our house"

"Well of course, he lives with us now. He did save your life after all" My dad answers, his answer makes my stomach churn. Holding my tummy I lean my head back, and close my eyes.

"And he sure is excited to see you"
My father adds, keeping his eyes firmly on the road. He wouldn't wanna send me back to the hospital.
I don't hear his last remark, for I am already sound asleep...

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