What kind of person are you ?!?!?!?!?

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Everyone had almost left and i was still waiting for Alaric to come. I took my phone out and called his number . 

" Oh , Come on Rick , pick it up! " 

But he didn't . " I give up, i am going home alone !" i said and begun my way home. My house was far away from school for some reason. My parents had picked it there because it was big and closer to the woods. They liked being close to neater . I wasn't far from school when it started to rain. " You got to be kidding me " i said . 

Suddenly , my phone rang . IT was RICk ! 


" Easy love . You sound furious . " 


I heard him lauphing from the other side of the line . Was he really lauphing ??? 

" Okay , okay " he said trying to stop lauphing . " How about this . Tell me where you are and i'll come and pick you ! " 

" NO ,THANK YOU . YOU HAVE ALREADY DONE ENOUPH ! " i said hanging up . 

I had arrived home. I quickly unlocked the door and got inside . I was really angry . I took the phone and cancelled my piano lesson . I then walked straight to the kitchen . 

" Hey , sweetie . " Patrick said with his back on me because he was cooking. Patrick was my uncle . He had become our guardian  after my parents'.......... accident. I own him so much ! He has done everything for us. He quieted his job and house in New Orleans and came here to take care of us. "His family " as he likes to call us . Aria and i own him everything ! 

He turned and looked and me when his eyes suddenly widended . " What happened ??" He asked seeing me wet . Apparently , Rick forgot that he had to take me from school today ! That's what i wanted to tell him but i wouldn't give Rick. " Ammm, Rick's car broke up in the middle of the roud and i had to come home by myshelf " i thought quickly . " Ohh " he said. " Well, go and take a bath and then come to eat . I have to go " 

" Where are you going ? " i asked curious . 

" I have to go to the company rememder ??? " 

Patrick was working in a company outside of Mystic Falls . He was the main manager or something like that . 

" i forgot about that . Okay. " 

He came at kissed my forehead ." Don't forget to pick up Aria from her balley lesson , okay ? " 

I nodded. He then disappeard from my site and left. 

Two hours later i had taken a bath , i had picked up Aria from her balley lesson and i was home again being ready for the night .  

I put on my blue dress deciding that i didn't want to wear the one that Caroline got me . I was putting on my make up when my sister came in. " So how about this ?? " she asked me refering at the dress that she was wearing . " No " i answered . " What do you mean no !!  I spent two hours to find this dress. " she complained . " Well , i don't like. You asked for my opinion . It's not my fault. " i said knowing that this was going to make her angry. " If you had come with me to the mall , i wouldn't have bought this one . Come on Dimi ! You are my older sister ! Give me some advise " 

I suddenly felt sorry for her. She has no one to help her and i was the only person that could. If mum was here things ....................................... things would be better. 

" Okay , do you want to wear the dress that Caroline got me ? " 

" Yes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are the best sis ever !! " 

" I know " 

After we both got ready , Caroline came and picked us up from the dance . She was a little bit disapointed because i hadn't wore her dress but she got over it and she saw that Aria did. When we arrived at the dance , Aria left us and went to her friends and we got inside the building . 

" Wow Caroline , it's realy good. " 

" I know ! Do you know how much it took me to prepare it ? I have to tell my plans about the graduation , but know lets go and find Elena. " 

We headed to where Elena , Damon and "Alaric" was . I was still mad at him about today . 

" Hello my queen , you look hot ! " Damon greeted me . He calls me his queen since i told him that i want to find someone that will be strong , protective , handsome , blonde and will take me with his white horse to our palace and make me his queen . Since then we always calls me like that. 

" Damon , how many times have i told you not to call me like that . " i said pretending to look pissed. 

" Come on we both know you like it " He said with a smirk. 

All this time Rick was staring at me making me feel akward . He looked a bit different today . 

I ignore that feeling at turned to Elena . " Hey , how are you ? " I asked in consern . " i am a little bit nervous but i am fine " she said and sounded worried. Trying to make her feel happier i told her " Don't worry , I wont let Klaus hurt you . If he try to lean a hand on you i will make sure that he suffers " I told her angrilly. By these words I saw that Alaric was almost lauphig. What was wrong with him today ? 

" Don't worry pixie ill kill him first. Elena lets go to Stefan . He is waiting for you outside. Pixie stay here with Rick and if you see him tell me . " he told us .  

" Okay " Rick answered . After they left he turned to me. " By the way , you look gorgeous , love " 

I couldn't handle it anymore . " What is wrong with you Rick ?? " You thing I forgot what you did today ? And what was this lauph when i told Elena about what am i going to do to Klaus ? " i told him angrilly . 

" Firstly , sweetheart , you are just a human and Klaus is a superpowerfull hybrid . How are you going to defeat him ? " 

What was he doing ? Was he supporting him ?? " I don't even care if he is a vampire or even a fairybut if he trys to hurt Elena , nothing will stop me not even the fact that i am just a human  from killing me . " 

He starded lauphing again . I was angry and got out of the building . He suddenly appeard infront of me . Ho - how did he do that ? " Do you think , love that you can defeat me so easily ? " 

" Kl-klaus " I finally said scared by the fact that i was alone with him and that he could kill me whenever he wanted. 

He stepped closer to me and told me angrily " If your friends try to kill me , I will rip their hearts of my shelf. " He said . 

" What kind of person are you ?!?!?!?!?!! " 

" Don't worry , love . I wont hurt you . You are so pretty , how could i ? " Thats what he said and dissapeard from me leaving me there emotionless. 


That it for now ! I hope you liked it . Its the firts meeting of Dimitra and Klaus !!?!?!?!?! please subscribe ! 

(I am sorry for the spelling an gramatical mistakes. English is not my birth language and i am not so good at using it . :)))) ) 

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