Letters To My Best Friend~Information

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I'm looking for a good cover, maybe something better than I can make myself, for a new story idea I have. So I've decided to hold a contest. I can't give much of a prize, but the winner will get a shoutout as the best covermaker, on my page, and in the book. Maybe I'll dedicate the first chapter of the book to you. Who knows?

So, here's the blurb for the story I need the cover for. Please be as creative as you can, and, if you can, use what fancy stuff you can.

Title: Letters To: My Best Friend

Blurb: Have you ever told people that your best friend was not human, but of the species canine? Maybe you have. Did they laugh at you? Most likely they did, unless they had more understanding than most. But what would it be like it everyone's best friend was a dog? Emily Wilkins is a thirteen year old country girl. But she's not just any country girl of this day and age. She dresses differently, she acts differently, she lives differently. And, as a result, she's had to get used to all the odd looks people give her for changing from the way she once was...like them. When all friends fail her, who will come to take the place of those she once thought were her closest friends? What if everyone's best friend was a dog? Ask Emily Wilkins.


Nothing inappropriate.

No copying other people's work.

Find good pictures that fit with the story.

Please, put your username on the cover as the maker of the cover.

Have fun!


Comment or PM me to tell me you're entering, and to let me know when your cover is done!


Dotty (Dorothy)

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