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Shingal Springs, Missouri, U.S.A, Present Day

A SHRILL SOUND echoed through the desolate halls of Sedona High School. Eldwin busted through the entrance door and bit his lip as he zipped by the tall gray lockers. He couldn't get caught in a tardy sweep. Not again.

Sweat began beading his brow as he sprinted through the halls. The doors locked automatically for the students' protection thirty seconds after the bell rang. A knot formed in his stomach and his heartbeat rapidly against his ribcage. Please don't let it be too late.

Turning a corner, his shoes squeaked as he skidded to his left to avoid a locker that sprang in his way. Racing down another hallway, he reached a room with 'B12-History' marked over the door.

He reached out his hand, flung open the door, and stepped inside the room, but his shoe caught on the door sill. Eldwin threw his hands out as he fell forward and hit the floor with a smack. Moaning, he sat back on his knees and rubbed his hands.

"Mr. Carmichael!" He tipped his head towards a man with a tall lanky figure wearing a black suit standing to the left of a blackboard. "Do you have to barge into my classroom like a savage beast?" Mr. Alfred Del Mastro snapped.

Eldwin's eyes met his teacher's. Those golden irises with slanted pupils made him shudder. Everyone hated the way they looked, and their teacher was always the top gossip because his reptilian eyes made him appear demonic. "Please try to be on time from here on out."

"Sorry, Mr. Del Mastro." Eldwin tried avoiding the teacher's gaze.

"Take your seat, Mr. Carmichael." Mr. Del Mastro motioned to an empty desk.

Eldwin rose from the floor, his head sinking like a turtle in its shell as he blushed with embarrassment, walked to his desk, and plopped down in the seat. Lifting his backpack's strap from around his neck, he dropped it beside him. Several books slid out as they hit the floor.

He sighed as he reached down, picked up his history book, and pushed the rest back into his bag. He sat upright and glanced around the room. Several of his fellow students quickly turned their heads, avoiding eye contact, no doubt knowing they'd be called on by Mr. Del Mastro if caught.

Chills raced down his spine. He turned his head to the right to find Kirk Anderson holding a wadded-up piece of paper in his hand tossing it upwards and catching it. Eldwin turned back towards the teacher. About seven years ago, they shared a friend who moved away after a childish argument. He had been the center of Kirk's bullying ever since then. He figured Kirk blamed him for her leaving.

A tapping sound came from the front of the classroom. He spun back around and watched as Mr. Del Mastro turned his back to the class. He wrote '323 B.C' on the blackboard.

"Now class," he began as he faced the students, "based on the lesson we had yesterday, who remembers what was said about this date?"

Eldwin scanned the room. He knew that Mr. Del Mastro was looking for an explanation of King Tutankhamun's life. As he glanced around the students, he noticed several looking down at their books or gazing at the teacher with blank stares.

"Believe it or not, boys and girls, I know when you're not paying attention." Mr. Del Mastro moved around the room weaving through the desks.

Elwin looked down as the teacher walked to the second to back row — where he was. He twirled a pencil in his hand as a shadow loomed over his desk. He turned his head around as someone cleared their throat.

Mr. Del Mastro stood behind him with his arms crossed. "Mr. Carmichael, will you please tell the class what's so special about this date?"

Eldwin swallowed a lump in his throat as he rose to his feet. Mr. Del Mastro stepped back to the front of the class. "King Tut, the most famous and talked about Pharaoh, died of unknown circumstances that day. However, a lot of historians believe he went to war against another kingdom and got into a fight with one of their soldiers. The soldier crippled the young king who then fell off his chariot and died before help could arrive."

Pharaoh's Ghost {Completed/Editing}Where stories live. Discover now