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HORNS AND DRUMS played music in the background. A wide smile spread across Eldwin's face as he stepped into the Egyptian exhibit. Mr. Del Masro followed a tour guide as they walked to the different artifacts explaining what they were and how they were used in everyday life. The teacher couldn't help but insert some of his facts on the subject.

Excitement rushed through him as he took in the sight. Egypt was his favorite subject and country over any others. Coming to a halt, a golden spark caught him in the corner of his eye. He glanced to his right trying to get a better look.

"Eldwin," a voice called out. Shivers shot down his spine as he glanced around for the caller. The teacher was gone and the class disappeared into oblivion. He was alone. Darkness began moving in around him. The air was cold and hung thick.

"Eldwin," the voice called once more. Eldwin swallowed a lump in his throat. The voice was low and haunting. Some people would even call it demonic. Air rushed past him as his body jerked forward from an invisible force. A pillar made of light appeared in the distance. It flattened as two carved obelisks from the Egyptian Era rose beside it.

Raising his hand, Eldwin braced for impact as he drew closer. He never made contact. Lowering his arm, the pull came to a stop dropping him on the floor before the door. Eldwin topped his head back taking in the sight before him. The door was golden with two men standing on either side with their arms raised towards the sky with a sun above them. They appeared to be worshiping the sun god, Ra.

Stretching his arm towards the door, the voice called out to him once more. "Eldwin," This time it was closer as if it was hiding behind the door. Shaking, he glanced around trying to stall. There was no telling what awaited him on the other side but it looked like he had no choice but to continue forward.

 Taking a deep breath, Eldwin walked through the opening. Entering the room, fire illuminated the opening. He stood at the edge of a circular room with hieroglyphics painted on the top half of the wall, with the bottom half remaining blank. He couldn't help but chuckle at how well the museum curators had tried turning the room into a tomb.

Five pillars stood at attention at least six feet apart if he had guessed. Each section told a different part of Pharaoh's life between them. In the first section, stood a blue dragon on its haunches before a man in black. In the next, the same dragon stood triumphantly over a fallen kingdom.

Pausing, he turned towards the center of the room. The floor was covered in cobblestone with a sun in the center. A golden platform rested in the sun's middle with a golden sarcophagus standing at attention on top. Eldwin's eyes widened as he drew closer. A face on the burial cover resembled that of a Pharaoh. The image bore a crown with blue and golden strips slung over his shoulders and an asp shooting out from the top signifying power.

The Pharaoh was wrapped in a blanket of regal colors, his hands crossed at his chest. In his left hand, a sickle, long and straight. On his right, a hooked Ankh with blue strips wrapped around the handle. Further down on his neck, rested a necklace that was circular with a bluish-green gem resting in its center. The gem glowed as he moved and drew nearer. 'Eldwin' the voice continued. It sent chills down his spine, yet he continued. He couldn't take his eyes off the beautiful craftsmanship of the ancient coffin.

Cold air blew past him as if a ghost had run behind him. Inhaling sharply, Eldwin let out a cry of surprise as he jumped backward; watching the darkness melt the wall around him until he was surrounded by nothing once more. Questions swirled in his mind as he turned his back to the coffin. Everything was gone except for a small section of flooring on which he and the sarcophagus stood.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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