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RESTING HIS HANDS on the table, Eldwin watched the bubbles float towards the surface of a green simmering liquid in his test tube. Chemistry was never his strong suit, but it had its moments. Mr. Elliot Jacben, a man in his late forties, with a lanky body, stood at the chalkboard droning on about how if they now added copper to their vials it would turn purple and explode in their faces — which he pointed out was a bad idea.

Opening his mouth, Eldwin turned towards Charles hoping to comment. His friend's head lay backward, eyes closed. If he leaned any further he would certainly fall off his stool. Eldwin reached towards him ready to awaken him from his slumber when a shrill sound reached their ears from the hallway. He watched as Charles' head jolted upwards before proceeding to glance around the room, no doubt embarrassed he had drifted off.

"Well, class," Mr. Jacobsen started as he turned to face the students, "looks like that's all for today. Make sure you clean your stations before you leave." Excitement filled Eldwin as he jumped from his stool, grabbed his tools, and headed towards the sink. Charles joined his side as he began running water in the sink and washed out his tubes.

"Man Chemistry is the worst." Charles moaned, "I am so glad we are done for the day." Eldwin couldn't help but laugh at his friend. There was no doubt Charles hated it more than he did, but one thing was sure... He was happy to go home. Opening his mouth to respond, an explosion came from behind him cutting him off. The boys whipped their heads around in time to see Kirk and his cronies suspended in the air by thick purple web-like ropes.

The class burst into laughter as Mr. Jacobsen walked towards the trio with his arms crossed and lips pulled into a thin line. "Mr. Anderson," he began, "apparently you missed the part of the lecture where I warned that adding copper would cause an explosion?" Silence fell around the room. Eldwin stared at Kirk as he rolled his eyes at the teacher and tried to pull his arms free. "An explosion of a gooey cobweb." Laughter erupted around the room once again. Eldwin noticed his teacher's eyes were laughing and he bore a smile now.

"Serves them right," Eldwin chuckled as he returned his attention to his test tubes, "I have a feeling he was trying to cancel school for the rest of the year." After several minutes, he and Charles finished their clean-up and headed towards the door. Pausing, he watched as the teacher cut Kirk free before smiling and following Charles out the door.

Eldwin walked through the halls as kids either ran to their next class or their lockers. Stopping at locker '439' he put in the combination and allowed the door to swing open. He quickly pulled out his book bag before placing in several textbooks and closing the door. The image of Kirk hanging from a web crossed his mind causing him to chuckle. Traversing through the halls, he arrived outside and stood by Charles' side. Eldwin squinted as the sun shone down upon them and he gazed off to the right waiting for the bus to arrive. 

A shadow towered over him from behind and Eldwin let out an irritated huff as Kirk forced his way between him and Charles. Shuddering, Eldwin could feel Kirk glaring at him, but he shook it off. He knew he didn't have to worry about Kirk, he would never do anything too drastic. Glancing his way, Eldwin noticed Kirk's chest was puffed up and his back straight as board as he tried to appear superior over him — clearly feeling in charge. The memory of Kirk entrapped in the webbed shot across his mind again and he bit his bottom lip holding back a snicker.

"Problem, Carmichael?" Kirk jerred.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Eldwin responded sarcastically.

"Don't play dumb with me," Kirk hissed, "Just because I fell for the teacher's dumb trap doesn't mean you get to call the shots around here."

Eldwin rolled his eyes before turning his attention back towards the road. The incident embarrassed Kirk and he wished not to make an issue out of it. After a few minutes, the bus rolled down the street and stopped beside the boys, its door pulling open. Excited voices chatted around them from other students that had joined them outside. Eldwin stepped forward ready to board when a hand grabbed his shoulder and jerked him backward. He reached his hand out for the doorframe but his fingers missed and he fell on the sidewalk hard.

Pharaoh's Ghost {Completed/Editing}Where stories live. Discover now