Chapter 5- Why Was She Back?

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(1 month later)

Jades POV-

Everything at school was good. I had 2 friends, well, make that best friends. Dakota moved back though so he can see his friends, but he was at a hotel visiting. You're probably wondering why he had friends there and I don't. Well he met them online and some of them live there so BAM! FRIENDSHIP! Today was Sunday and I redyed my hair today and got a a of tattoo. I got it on my left wrist that says "So hear my voice, remind you not to bleed." in cursive.

I was home alone so I started watching some TV and texting my friends. All of the sudden I heard a knock on the door. When I opened it I was shocked. There she was, standing in front of me, in the flesh. "Hey sweetie." she said. "I'm not your sweetie." I said and slammed the door in her face. I turn around and walked away. Half way to the couch I heard her come into the house. "THAT IS NO WAY TO TREAT YOUR MOTHER!" she screamed. I turned around in rage. "MOTHER?!? HA! YOU'RE NO MOTHER OF MINE! YOU'RE JUST THE PERSON WHO GAVE BIRTH TO ME!" I yelled. "OH REALLY EXPLAIN TO ME HOW I AM NO MOTHER OF YOURS!" she screamed. "YOU cheated on dad when he was out of town! YOU had another kid! YOU left me and Dakota and dad for that man whore 3 years later! And you have no right to come into someones house acting like you you own the place WHEN YOU HAVENT BEEN HERE AN ALMOST 16 FUCKING YEARS! HOW THE HELL DID YOU FIND US ANYWAY?!?" I yelled. "I have my ways." she said, smirking. I wanna slap that fucking smirk right off her face. "You get out the fuck of my dads house now." I said.

She slapped me across the face and I startes bleeding. She had her fucking ring turned around. Then she spit in my face. I punched her in the face causing her to fall down. I got on top of her and beat the living fuck out of her. When I was done, there was blood covering her whole face. I grabbed her by the hair and yanked her up, still keeping a hold of her hair.

"You get the fuck out of my dads house, leave me and my family alone, and never ever come back Helen. A mother would have stayed there and help raise their kids and not cheat on their husband with 5 different dudes a week. You're just the woman who gave birth to us. Don't even think that you are or once was mine or Dakotas mother because you never were and never will be. I HATE YOU!" I screamed before throwing her in her car. I walked back in the house and slammed the door, making sure this time to lock it.

OI immediately called Dakota since dad was with him. "Hey Jade. What's up?" he said. "Helen was here." I said. "We are on our way!" he said and hung up. I threw the phone (Not mine. The house phone.) and fell onto the couch. I started sobbing. Why did she come back?

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