Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I bursted into laughter as josh slipped from the kitchen and fell flat on his face. Soon, tears came out of my eyes as I couldn't contain myself from that idiotic move.

His face flushed with anger, "Shut the fuck up," He growled. His eyebrows shot up and his fist clenched. My brother dusted himself off, and got up. He was slightly taller than me with light brown hair and hazel eyes.

"You are such an idiot," I said with amusement. I took a bite out of my creamy, syrup filled delicate pancakes.

He rolled his eyes and shoved me off my chair as he sat down and began eating my food. "Ass," I muttered, while taking another seat as I served myself a new plate of pancakes.

"So, do you have any plans on this fine Saturday?" My brother said as he placed his dirty plate into the sink.

I nodded, "Surprisingly, I do. All the girls, including me, are invited to Kayla's annual sleepover." I gulped down some orange juice and continued to enjoy my pancakes.

Every year, at the end of the first week of school, Kayla throws a sleepover bash. She invites a bunch of girls and they do a bunch of fun games and have snacks, drinks e.t.c.

"Will there be any boys?" Josh asked, looking through our mail that I picked up on my morning jog. I almost choked on my pancakes. Seeing my brother be protective over me was a bit weird, I have to admit.

"It's just girls." I rolled my eyes. I picked up my dirty plate and empty glass of orange juice and placed it into the sink. By the end of the week, I can guarantee you that the sink will be filled with tons of plates. Now that my moms gone, there isn't anyone to clean the house or wash the dishes. And let me tell you, I am allergic to cleaning.

Josh chuckled, "I'm just kidding, Al. There better not be any though." He warned his tone turning serious.

"So, what are you doing today?" I asked him, changing the subject. I sat down on the couch and turned on the tv.

"I'm going out."

"Ohh, have a date?" I smirked as his face turned red.

"Shut up Alision. That is not any of your concern."

My mouth opened in shock, "You do! There's gotta be something wrong with her though. Does she have bad skin? Pink hair? Small head? Big head? Oh I got it! She must be werid, so she can match you. Or better yet-"

"Shut up!" He said with anger. Oops. Did I hit a soft spot?

"I'm just playing, jo." He was just to easy. I didn't actually mean anything about the whole 'something may be wrong with her'.None of those things are bad, everyone was created differently and we are all unique.

"Her name is Jane. And nothing is wrong with her." He glared at me.

"So, what are ya'll doing?"

"We are going out to a restaurant. Thats all you need to know."

"Aw, come on bro. You can tell me. I can actually help you out." I grinned, showing off my pearly white teeth.

He snorted, "I wouldn't ask you for help even if the world depended on it."

"Ouch. That really hurt jo. So when am I going to meet her? When did you meet her? How long have you guys been dating?" I ased, curiously. What? I am a very curious person.

"Woah there, slow down on the questions. You will never meet her and I just met her like a month ago. We have been dating for two weeks."

I slapped him on the arm, "You have been seeing her for 2 weeks and you haven't told me!"

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