Chapter 13

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Dad glared at us, "Anyway, we came back to tell you guys something important."

"We have decided to extend our trip even longer because there has been some issues with work. We need you guys to lock up the office every night, we don't trust any other employee."

I started to get excited. I would finally be able to get more answers. 

"But you guys can't go inside the building."

I stared at him, "Not saying that I would, but why not?"

"You just aren't allowed to." He said with a stern face.

"Okay?" He asked us.

We nodded. 

I couldn't wait to finally get answers.

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Chapter 13

I woke up and checked my phone. My parents left early this morning, so it was just Josh and I. Today was Monday, the worst day of the week and I was very grumpy. Last night, I could barely sleep with all thats hit me this month. I was physically and mentally exhausted. 

Josh and I are still aren't on speaking terms. I still felt like this week would be more interesting. Since my father gave me and josh the keys to lock his office door, made me super excited. I just realized that he never actually let us go inside, strange. Why would he not allow us to?

I just needed to go inside and find old stuff about Kayla's sister, Courtney. There must be something else about her that could help figure out what is going on. I still was confused on Jane and how she knew kayla. This whole thing was a mess and I needed to call Jared. Maybe we could unfold this together. 

I went to the bathroom and took a shower and got ready for the day. I went to the kitchen and decided to grab a quick granola bar and I quickly headed out. 

Once I reached school, I looked around to find Jared. I saw him talking to some girl, but decided to interrupt their conversation anyway. I walked up to him with an annoyed expression.

"We need to talk." I said, interuppting his conversation. 

He nodded, "Bye," He said smiling at the girl.

She blushed as I rolled my eyes.

"Let me guess, shes your girl toy of the week." I said with a mocking expression.

He raised his eyebrows, "Jealous?"

I scoffed, "You wish."

He smirked, "Actually, I do wish." 

I ignored his comment and dragged him with me to the closet. 

"Damn, If you wanted to be alone with me, you could have just asked."

I smacked him as he laughed. 

"This is important." I said with an annoyed expression.

He soon realized how serious I was and waited for an explanation.

"I need your help." 

He raised his eyebrwos, "With what?"

"To figure out why Josh was at that forest with jane. To figure out how samantha died. To find out what does Kayla have to do with this. And so much more." I rambled with a exhausted expression.

He looked at me with concern, "Have you been getting any sleep?"

"Thats not the point. I just need help into figuring this out because things will only get worse." 

He shook his head, "You don't understand, this could be dangerous. There is so much more to this then you think." 

I could feel my anger rising, but I decided to say this calmly, "Look, I know that you know more then you're telling me. If we work to figure this out together, then we can finally not be always wondering answers. Please jared." I said with a pleading expression.

He sighed, "But how will we get more information?"

"I have a secret weapon." 

"Okay. Fine." He said, finally agreeing to this.

I squealed and jumped into his arms.

"Thank you." 


The rest of the school day went by smoothly and soon I was at home, sitting and eating chips. I heard  the doorbell ring, opening the door I was greeted by Jared, who had two bags of chips in this hands and some paper.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked him with a confused expression.

"If we're going to attempt to figure this out, we need to start now. I brought some snacks and some paper to record stuff."

I let him in and reached my room. He sat down on my chair as I sat on the ground. 

"Okay, so lets just list what has happened so far." I started. 

"Samantha evans died." He pointed out. 

I wrote that down.

"But it doesn't make sense why." I said. 

"She was obviously murdered." He muttered.

"What?!" I said with a shocked expression.

"Didn't you already know that? There was no other way she could have died unless animals ate her." He scoffed.

"Wait, jared. Maybe if we just think this through the answers will come to us." 

He nodded as he waited for me to talk.

"Whenever we went to the sleepover, I remember Vanessa scared me but all the other girls were already in the cabin. I was in the forest." I started.

He wrote some stuff down, "Did everyone sleep at the same time?"

I nodded, "We all went to bed, then after the sleepover, everyone left. Samantha was in the car and Vanessa told me that she dropped her off on the sidewalk. She told her she needed to do something,"

I know I promised Vanessa I wouldn't tell anyone, but it wasn't like anyone would find out anyway. 

Jared wrote something down, "Well, the only way of finding out what happened to her is if we went to her house and I doubt her mom would let us go into her dead daughters room." 

I screamed in frustration, "This is hopeless." 

Jared sighed, "This is only the beginning."


Authors note:

Hey guys. This chapter was literally SO HARD to write. I literally had to make sure everything fel into place perfectly. I know this took forever and I'm sorry but i've been very busy. I really wanted to finish this book in december but we all know thats not going to happen. 

I know the chapters short, and Im updating soon, so don't worry. This book has still a long way to go, so I doubt it will finish soon. Please show support to this story, so I actually know someone likes this book; BY COMMENTING, VOTING & FOLLOWING ME.  Thank you to everyone that voted and commented on my last upload, it really means a lot. But on a happier note, chapter 13 is completed!<3

Hint: Next chapter invovles more information unfolding and maybe a visit to someones office? (;


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