Chapter 1 - Becca's POV

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Another boring days of the Christmas break. At least tomorrow I get to go shopping with my 3 favourite girls, Caity, Emily and Lanea. They are my best mates, we had so much in common! I loved them to bits, we're basically sisters. I'm Becca by the way. I have dark ginger hair (it's turning brown as I get older) that's about an inch below my shoulders, eyes that match my hair (it's pretty awesome) and I'm around 5"7. I have a sister who is 15, and a brother who is 14. I'm the oldest, 17.

"BECCA! DINNER'S READY!" That's my mum. We're having risotto for dinner. Best be off.


I starred at my self in the full length mirror. I was never as pretty as the others. Caity had piercing blue eyes and a lush, dirty blonde hair. Emily had bright green eyes with bronwy-blonde hair and Lanea had purple hair and brown eyes. They were all mega skinny and looked good in anything! I had to be careful what colours I wore because of my hair, wish it would hurry up and go brown already! I was wearing my favourite grey top with a white printed logo on it, turquoise skinnies and a bright blue jacket with my purple high tops. I like to mix and match bright colours. My phone vibrated on my bed.

Caity(11.09am) Don't forget, bus stop outside Lanea's at half 11 x

Half 11?! That's in 20 minutes! Oh crap! I text her back.

Becca(11.10am) Might be a bit late:L just gotta get my purse sorted, be leaving in 5, but takes me 20 mins, I'll go as fast as I can x

I ran downstairs, straight to mum who was in the kitchen. She was cooking a morning fry up. Ew. I hate everything that was in a fry up.

"Mum! I need money please! I gotta go like now!" I rushed. She rolled her eyes and grabbed her purse off the counter by the freezer. She took out two £20 notes and a £10. "Bus fair?" She took out a £2 coin and a £1 coin. "Thanks mum! Bye"

I raced outside and speed walked down to Lanea's. We were going shopping for the Christmas ball. Well, I say ball, only the adults wear ball gowns, and hardly any adults go. Teenagers kind of take it over, wearing short dresses for the girls, and skinnies and a shirt for the boys.


Finding a dress was easy! I found a green vest top with silver sequins in a continuous flower pattern, white mini shorts, and a blue belt that I would hang loosely over the top around the waist. I decided I would wear my green converses with it. Caity found a red body con dress with a black elastic belt around the middle, she found some black converses to wear with it. Emily got a black mini skirt with a purple, baggy, dancer type crop wop and a white vest top to go underneath with purple high heels and Lanea found a hot pink body con dress with a white paint splat pattern on it and hot pink heels. Caity and I prefer wearing converses or high tops when we go out and not high heels like Emily and Lanea.

We walked into Milkshake city, only to stop in the doorway. There were 5 fitties sat at our usual table by the window. I couldn't help but stare and we sat at the table on the opposite side by the other window. There was this one boy, he had dyed blonde hair and bright green eyes, the brightest green I've ever seen, and crooked teeth, but it looked like he had braces on, clear train tracks I think. He caught my eye, I looked down at the table and blushed.

"I'll go and get everyones milkshake. The usual yeah?" I asked. They all nodded, and continued their conversation about the ball. "Can I have 2 chocolate milkshakes, a strawberry milkshake and a banana milkshake please."

"That'll by £7.80 please." Said the woman. I hate how a medium milkshake costs £1.95 at this place, but they were so nice. I handed the woman a £10 note and waited for the change and drinks. She handed me the change and went to make the milkshakes. When she came back, she put them on the counter. "Sorry, we've ran out of cardboard boxes to put them in. Would you like some help?"

Before I could answer, a thick, Irish accent got there before me.

"I'll help her." I looked up. It was the guy who was sat at our table, well, our usual table. He looked at me and smiled. He wasn't much taller than me.

"Thanks. I'm Becca by the way." I said, grabbing the 2 chocolate milkshakes. The boy grabbed the strawberry and banana one, and started walking slowly.

"I'm Niall. I just moved here with those guys," He pointed to the other guys at the table. "we auditioned for the X Factor 2 years ago, got put as a group but didn't make it through the judges houses, so we're trying again this year." That's why he looked familiar.

"Well, good luck." I smiled. I put the milkshakes on the table, and went to take the ones off Niall but he'd already put them down. He looked back at the table where his mates were sitting, they were putting their jackets on and putting rubbish in the bin.

"I best be off. Hopefully I'll see you around, Becca." He said, giving a slight wave and walking off.

"Yeah, see ya." I sat back down, sipping at my chocolate milkshake. I watched him leave before turning to my mates who were starring at me.

"Who was that?" Said Lanea, putting the emphasise on 'that'.

"That, my friend, is Niall. He just moved here with his mates to audition for the X Factor. Fit and a singer, not to mention he's Irish." I explained with a massive smile on my face. They all looked at me like they were majorly jealous.

"D'you think they're going to the Christmas ball?" Emily asked.

"I hope so! His mates, mega fit! Especially the one with black hair and olive skin. Pwah, was he FIT!" Caity babbled, she makes me laugh! I actually really hope he does go, I really want to see him again!

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