1- The arrogant cocky ass

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Heyy everyone!! Here's the first chapter then of this story!! Pic on the side is on Holland Roden who I pictured as Ella! Enjoy


I walked through the forest that was in this world and explored, the sounds of all the wilderness calming my senses. Once I reached the peek that showed the most beautiful view of a waterfall. I sat by the edge of the cliff that had the overview, and sighed. 'Time to call my guide,' I thought. Mother told me, to call your guide you just had to ask a question. "How far is the drop from this cliff?" I asked aloud.

Suddenly, a bright light shone and a woman appeared. Not just any woman though. "Mom!" I ran up to her and hugged her as tight as I possibly could. She chuckled lightly and said, "Hello sweetie." "How is this even possible? How are you here? Your my guide here?" She smiled and grabbed my hand. "You see sweetie, when I died, I went to heaven, but God assigned my as your guide here for when you called on me. He knew you would need me, especially during these times."

I smiled hugely at her and hugged her once more. "I'm just glad your here mom." "I know sweetie. And to answer your question, the drop is 100 ft." I laughed, remembering I had asked that. We spent the rest of the time I had talking. She told me all about how she would be there each time I came back to this world and she would be able to guide me for as long as I came to this world.

"Tell me sweetie, how are you? In all honesty," my mother asked. I stared across the cliff to the parts below. "I've been better lately. Coming here helps. But, it's hard sometimes, you know, to deal with Cruela and Cruela Jr." She laughed at the names I had given my stepfamily. "I understand sweetie." She glanced around then said, It's time for you to go back to your body hun." I pouted. I knew she was right, but I just didn't want to leave. She gave me a kiss goodbye and I left.

I shot up in my body. Checking my surroundings, I sighed then laid back down. 'First day of school,' I thought. 'Just 10 more months then Jake and I can leave this place.' I dragged myself out of bed then walked into my poor excuse of a bathroom. I checked my reflection. My reddish brown hair was in its usual mop mess of curls. My blue-grey eyes shone bright. I brushed my hair out then showered quickly. Once I was dressed and ready, I went down to the kitchen to make everyone breakfast.

I decided on making sunny side up eggs, bacon, sausage toast and fruit salad. By the time I finished making the salad, Jake came down dressed and ready for his day. "Morning Jake," I said sweetly. "Hi Ellie! Guess what?" he said eagerly. I faced him, crouched down to his level and asked 'what'. "Last night," he came closer and whispered in my ear, "I had a dream about mommy! She hugged me and gave me kisses." My heart thumped in my chest. Mom told me she was able to visit Jake every once in a while. "That's great Jake!" I smiled at him and served his breakfast.

"Ella! My breakfast better be on the table and ready," Cruela Jr. said as she walked into the kitchen. "It is," I said. Not even a thank you. Rude. But what could I expect from her. I finished eating quickly and helped Jake finish. "Come on Jakey, time to get you to school." He nodded and we went out to my car. It was my dad's car, but he left me it when he died. Said in his will that whenI got my license the car should be in my possession. I dropped Jake off at his school and drove to mine. I turned the radio on right as my song came on.

'You've got that smile,
That only heaven can make,
I pray to God everyday,
That you keep that smile.

You are my dream,
There's not a thing I won't do
I'd give my life up for you
'Cuz you are my dream.'

I sang along to the song the rest of the ride. Once at school, I went straight to the auditorium to pick up my schedule. I went to the desk with last names A-C to pick up my papers. "Name please," the secretary said. "Ella Cinders." She handed me my papers and Rushed away to put my stuff away. Right as I thought I was having a good start, I bumped into a broad chest. I flushed and mumbled a sorry. As I looked up, low and behold, there stood Tyler Princeton looking at me with an amused expression on his face. "Uh, Sorry, I should've watched where I was going," I muttered. He chuckled, shook his head and walked past me. What the heck? No, 'It's ok?' or 'No it was my bad?' nothing? Wow, this generation is the worst of them all.

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