Chapter two: Change

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"Yes if your okay with it Zella" ,Aqrema said. I was six years old, Aqrema's blood was injected in to me when she was gonna kill the Dark wolf with Healer wolf blood.

But nope i had to step in, a brave six year human girl that is wanted dead by Dark wolves. "Zella? You know if I change you, you have to

stay by me for a bit. You can't go near blood." ,she added. I looked up at her "I'll be able to catch up though. I could help out instead of running.

S-So if it's a good thing then yeah." ,I said. She looked at me in the eyes. I have pacific blue eyes that didn't match Aqrema's true sapphire eyes. Aqrema pulled my blonde

hair out of my face "Your eyes are so pretty. Are you sure you want to be a Healer werewolf?" ,She asked again. Then picked up paper

and wrote on it then gave it to a horse that rushed into the door way of the cave. "Take this to the healer werewolves law."

,Aqrema said the horse rush out fast to the 'Healer Werewolves Law' AKA 'HWL' for short.

"We are gonna wait till the law says okay on this." ,she said to me. She came up and wrapped the bleeding arm with first aid

"It may be long for that letter gets to them. I wish there were phones to make it easier." ,Aqrema whispered

I looked at her. I may be six but I can understand what she means. The HWL

doesn't want to spend money for calls or so. So they use letters that sometime will take months or years

To get to them and back. A cheetah is much faster in the spring and summer.

In the fall and winter it's the snow leopard. It's very hard to find cheetah and a snow

Leopard. "A-Aqrema? Will the horsy come back?" ,I asked she looked up from

Wrapping my arm. "What do you mean Zella?" ,her eyes worried. "Well before when you brought me back I saw a pack of black wolves on the hill hiding behind trees

Waiting to attack." ,I whispered. Aqrema bolted out of the cave looking around.

She didn't notice that some wolves came in her territory and into the cave where I was.

The became humans and grabbed my mouth and body and walked out. "Didn't smell us? To bad, I wanted you to come out as a wolf but

You didn't. Why?" ,the man holding me spoke. Aqrema jumped a little and turned around.

"Let her go Leo!" ,Aqrema growled loud. "Well, some wolf got up in the wrong cave." ,He howled

Every werewolf there laughed. "Let me go!" ,I screamed then a howl lit the area.

White wolves came running everywhere, jumping over logs and circled around me and Leo.

Is this the HWL? That was fast for them. A little pup came closer to the leg of Leo.

Was he Leo's son? "Let the girl go Leo. She has nothing for you to give. I have read

Aqrema's letter just today. She of us. A healer werewolf." ,One barked proudly.

"Aqrema!" ,I cried out. The pup growled and bit Leo's leg and a cry came from him and dropped me.

"Thought you were my son! You save the enemy is the worst thing to do!" ,Leo yelled out

Kicking the pup. I crawled over to Aqrema, I saw what the pup was going though.

It was tough I bet, I felt the cool breezy wind. "Stop! Maybe he doesn't want to be just like you." ,I spoke up.

Leo and his pack looked up at me. "What did you say you little weak human?!" ,Leo yelled.

"I said, 'Maybe he doesn't want to be just like you' did you get that this time?" ,I lowered my voice.

It was like something so fast is happening inside of my body. Like something there is reacting to this

Abouse I am seeing. "Maybe you don't want to w human anymore cause you feel bad for Aqrema being hurt.

I bet you wish you hid so she wouldn't get hurt, am I right?!" ,Leo said. I felt a shock go threw me!

I wish to hide so Aqrema won't get hurt? I couldn't speak no more, it felt like depress falling down

Like rain clouds crying really bad. "So are you sure it's okay Healer Werewolves Law? To change her life?"

,Aqrema whispered. They seemed to say yes but only in a nod. "Zella?" ,Aqrema tilted her

Head. "Time to go. It's not our rights to get in their family problems." ,She added.

"We also have things to do. You should never talk to Segya nor Fellna and try to make peace.

It will never happen." ,She raised her voice. We then left the area to go back to the

HWL's cave to descuss this issue. It was a long way walking so Aqrema put me on her back and started running with the HWL pack. We got there faster,

they were like in the forest of the mist in Mexico. Aqrema lived near the edge of the cost forest where there is a beach in Japan.

I have to be careful because of the humans that hang out there.

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