Chapter eight: Wild Life

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As i waited in the cage Fellna asked "So Zañe, was the one who did this to her?

A lighting spirit fox hm?" Segya nodded his head yes. I couldn't change back for some reason.

Brave enough Zañe came in the house. "Before you guys start yelling at me. Let me explain.

Segya and I were in a fight for Zella, she jumped in when I was about to strike him

With a ball of lighting. So I couldn't stop it." ,He spoke. "I didn't want her to get hurt." ,He added.

I growled at him, in anger. I barked "You dirty lier! If I wasn't in this issue I would kill you now!"

"I have no idea what you barked but I'm sorry Zella" ,he said sadly. I barked "If this cage wasn't here I would

Rip your throat out and rip your head off. Then Devore your soul!". I was angry!

Then I lost my body again, I growled loudly at everyone. Aqrema notice I was lost again.

"Zella, stay strong!" ,She yelled at the growling wolf in the cage. Then my body moved and hit the cage,

Cutting my skin and my blood dripping. Then my body suddenly broke free from the cage

and ran into the window. My body ran through the sandy beach into the forest near by.

My body howled but growled, my body saw Aqrema running behind it. So the body tried going faster.

Since I was the fastest Healer werewolf my speed increased. Disappearing behind my body was

Aqrema and her pack. I made it to the forest, jumping and climbing broken trees.

My body knew where to go but I did not. There was a little river where my body saw a little baby.

My body stopped and stared at the baby. Sniffed it to see if it's alive. The baby opened it's eyes.

The blue eyes it had, it looked like a week old. Hungry, sad, lonely. Like I was before Aqrema

Found me. My body took the baby with it and headed to a cave but to get there my body had to jump.

I was in fear just for my life but this baby's life as well. My body backed up a bit and ran it's

Fullest speed and jumped. It felt like flying forever. The breeze and everything. My body

landed and jogged off away from the river. That's when Aqrema's pack came.

"Aqrema, she jumped here but there is another sent. A human baby smell. The smell follows Zella's" ,one barked.

"A baby?" ,Aqrema asked. My body jogged but making sure the baby didn't get hurt.

Maybe my heart and soul is still nice to humans. Somehow I got control of my body again.

I stop for a bit and looked at the child in my mouth. Why did my body take the baby?

Did my heart feel bad for a baby? Why would anyone leave a baby here?

I growled in anger, it made the baby cry so I stopped. I saw a cave that

Was deep so you couldn't see anything. Then it started to rain. My sent was gone

From Aqrema and her pack. I laid the child down and laid beside

It, keeping it warm for a while until I'm fully lost...I want to save people,

So in order to do so...i think I have to end my life. It's the only way because I can't control myself

Anymore. I'm getting weaker in my soul. I could lose control any

Minute. Any second. I was scared, I had to fight for control to

Defeat my body before I'm lost forever. I closed my eyes but

Opened them fast! I heard howling and all, it was Aqrema trying to get a hold of me.

"I can't smell her or the human!" ,Fellna barked. He and Segya tagged

Along. I was alone and weak, I couldn't call out to them. The child was asleep,

Cuddling my fur coat...I don't want my body to lose control and leave the

baby behind for Aqrema to find dead. Tears came down fast, my fur became

matted under my eyes...the tears wouldn't stop. I want to call out

but I won't make a sound. It became dark, I couldn't see out of the

cave. Just pich blackness in the sky. I closed my eyes and slept...

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