Chapter three: uncontrollable love part two

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I forced Aqrema to take a plane instead of swimming there like we did when I had to go to Mexico with the HWL.

Zellella(from the pack HWL) took me to England for a few years before I was sixteen and I have an accent.

I wander if speaking Spanish with an England accent sounds cool or not.

Found out Aqrema doesn't like high places. Ginñella and Felliña didn't mind.

Zañe didn't show if he liked the ride or not. They are like siblings to me and I'm gonna protect them.

We got there and all. Aqrema knew that showing them the cave where we live

She bought a house with the view of the sea. It was like a dream, she got cloths for me and my friends.

School cloths, after school, over the weekend cloths everything. "So how long have you guys been away from each other?" ,Zañe popped in and asked.

"Um I came to Mexico to be with my aunt and uncles since I was six so, for a long time. Because she had to come back for work and all.

She hasn't come to visit so that's why she wants me back now." ,I replied.

I hope they believe it is true. "Wow must of been sad to not see Aqrema. Since she took care of you,

Right?" ,Felliña asked. I nodded to that one. The door bell rang "Ill get it!" ,I yelled.

I ran to the door. I saw a young tall man there, flowing blonde hair. Blueish purple

Eyes. "Hola? I mean hello?" ,I was messing up in my words of Spanish and English.

"Hello, is Aqrema around? This is important, I need to know if its true Zella came back." ,He spoke.

Me?!?! He knows I was coming back? "W-Who are you?" ,I stuttered. "Who am I? I am Fellna-chan.", He replied.

Fellna-chan? That's Japanese, so far I know some people put 'chan' at the end of their name. Fellna?

I never heard of him. "How did you know Zella was coming?" ,Aqrema came up behind me.

"Aqrema! When did you-" ,I stopped. This man isn't who I think it is? "Fellna-chan, please you could of called. I don't want Segya to know where we are. Zellella, go to your friends

And don't bother with this man. He isn't someone to trust." ,Aqrema ordered me.

I walked back to my room where my friend were. They have no clue what they are in for if they

Don't leave at once. "Hey guy, um I need to tell you something. Um..." ,I so wanted to tell them

But they may not believe me. "I am a helare werewolf sworn ti proyecto humanos lije yo." ,I said

(I am a healer werewolf sworn to protect humans like you.)

They looked at me like I was crazy. "What, so a Healer werewolf? Protects humans from what?" ,Zañe asked

"Dark werewolves, enemies for the Healer werewolves. If you don't believe me then ask Aqrema. I don't

Want you guys hurt." ,I replied. I sighed a little stutter along with it. Why does it always happen to me.

"Fellna, why'd you show your face in front of Zella? She can't know about you or that Segya is near. If you want peace then don't let them meet.

Got it?" ,Aqrema was still talking to Fellna. "Eh! That was Zella? She sure has gotten pretty.

I don't want to be an enemy to your guys and the HWL. Unlike the DWL(Dark Werewolf Law)

They will kill her. Because of what she is." ,Fellna said. He left, Aqrema came back with drinks for us.

"I know you want to protect Zane, Ginnella, and Fellina but...Fellna-chan is a spy for us.

Kinda, I still don't trust him. He wants peace. He likes the HWL than the DWL. He even hates what

His brother became. Trained to hate us Healer werewolves." ,Aqrema said.

She forgot that one 'ñ' in Ginñella is not like 'n' in English. So as Zañe and Felliña.

We need to teach her some Spanish so she can get the 'ñ' right. "Sorry, I want to tell them so they won't freak out!

I'm so sorry Aqrema. I want to protect them." ,I started to cry a little. She nodded

"Zella, can you tell them in Spanish what I say? Since I'm not good." ,Aqrema asked.

I nodded "Go ahead." ,I spoke. "Zane, Ginnella and Fellina. Will you stay with us

Even though Dark werewolves may go for you?" ,Aqrema asked.

Zañe, Giññella ad Felliña. William yo Stay with su ven though Dar Werewolves ay vi yo?" ,I repeated.

"Si mama, que are jet anegó." ,They all said.

(Yes ma'am, we are her friends)

So we have to protect them, so far I know Aqrema did solo so no pack to help us.

"I knew you had friends in your old school and guessed that they want to tag along.

So I made myself a pack, even though I'm a solo." ,Aqrema spoke like she read my mind!

"They are all around the house, and lie next door." ,She added.

"Aqrema asid 'I lente yo has anegó in yogur ole School ad huésped theta theta watt ti Tagle alongó. So I

Madre mude kg a paco, even though un a soló.'." ,I repeated.

I hope I don't meet Segya. It may start a war between us and the Dark Werewolves.

I don't want anyone hurt!


Today me and my friends are going to school together. We have to wear uniforms

That don't suit us. "Uniformes? Wat tupe of School quedara uniformes?!" ,Felliña spoke.

(Uniforms? What type of school wears uniforms?!)

I giggled, today is a new start at my new school with my old friends from the day I started school

Which was when I was 6 1/2 years old. Long time has passed. Aqrema wanted my

Hair blonde again. So she dyed it blonde herself. It felt weird seeing myself with my regular

Hair color now. My friends loved it so much. "Everyone, this was my regular hair

Color when I was born. The HWL dyed it to red." ,I spoke out. We left after my hair

Got dyed again to be blonde. We had different classes so we didn't see each other until

Lunch. In my home room class a guy that kinda looks like Fellna-Chan looked at me.

Like he knew me. Could he be Fellna-Chan or Segya? Well Fellna-Chan looks older than a school student.

The guy came over. "What's your name?" ,he asked. Uh??? "Zellella Fella" ,I put it in Spanish.

"Z-Zellella, right?" ,He asked "The e is like this on Zéllella and Félla is é. With a little line above it." ,I wrote it down(I lied about the 'e' being 'é').

"Cool, What type of language is that?" ,he asked. "Español" ,I replied.

"Means Spanish" ,I added. "Oh! So your one of those Mexican transfer students.

I have one in each class, Zane and Ginella and Fellina." ,He said.

I spelled out their names. "The 'n' in Zane is 'ñ' with a squiggle line. Same as Ginñella and Felliña." ,I said.

"Oh thats how you spell Ginnella's name. I thought it was G-i-n-e-l-l-a but its G-i-n-ñ-e-l-l-a." ,He was shocked

About our names. "Hey, what's your name? You don't have to tell me if you don't

Want to." ,I spoke. He looked at me. His purple eyes are dark but light when the sun hits.

His hair, blonde and in his eyes. I saw a tattoo on his hand 'žłßæœę' it was long and its not a word.

"What is that tattoo mean? The 'žłßæœę'. I've never seen that before." ,I spoke.

"I don't know either, my dad put it on me. My name is Sagyen." ,He replied.

'Sagyen' sounds a little like 'Segya'. I dot trust him. The bell rang and my friends and I walked back home.

I met a guy in my home room class, his name is Sagyen. I don't trust him. It kinda sounds like Segya." ,I told Aqrema.

All of us went back to school the next, Sagyen talked to me again...I don't want to talk to him!

"Sagyen? Out of all these pretty girls why do you want to talk me?" ,I asked. He looked at me with his purple eyes.

"You seem interesting to talk to you know. The interesting thing about you is your Spanish language." ,He replied.

Okay, freaky! My Spanish language is interesting? I still don't know what Segya looks like.

"I'm trying to find this girl my father wants but I don't know what she looks like now.

He almost had her when she was around six years old. But some how I felt she had to escape. So I saved her,

I was seven at the time. That's the last time I saw her." ,He spoke softly. "She kinda looks

Like you Zellella." ,He added. He looked out the window, his hair blowing and his sent everywhere.

His purple eyes glitter in the sun's rays. "Lets hang out sometime. You, your friends and me!" ,He suggested.

Hang out? I don't trust him but my heart is saying something different. It's saying "Go hang out with him, your friends

Are gonna be there!" rather than words my heart pounded loudly. "Sure, when we have time." ,I replied.

The bell rang to leave. Sagyen talked to me the whole hour of class. Zañe notice that

Something is wrong. Then it dawned on Ginñella and Felliña. "So,any info on Sagyen?" ,Zañe asked.

"He wants allow us to hang out with him. I don't trust him but my heart is saying

Go e cause you guys are gonna be there. What should we do?" ,I replied back but ended up asked as well.

"Weil, letra tele Aqrema tris Newsweek. Skay!" ,Zañe replied.

(Well, let's tell Aqrema this news. Okay!)

We walked home which was two hours long. When that happen we told Aqrema

What Sagyen said. She was shocked. Then the phone rang...everyone came quiet.

I picked up the phone "Heló? Who Is tris?" ,I asked. "Sorry I Mean 'Hello? Who is this?'." ,I added.

Aqrema held her hand out. I gave her the phone. "Hello? May I help you?..." ,Aqrema shooed us away.

We left and went upstairs. "What! He is in that class?" ,I heard Aqrema shout.

Means this isn't gonna be good. I heard little mumbling from her. She is whispering through the phone.

The phone clicked, the call has ended. Who was it? "Guys, don't ask who called. Got it?" ,I whispered.

Aqrema came up the stairs "A boy called Sagyen called. It looked like he couldn't

Talk to Zella until I grabbed the phone, he started chatting." ,She spoke.

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