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He was watching her from a few feet away even then it didn't seem close enough. She shifted and slid out of his view when she reached for another book but he dared not go any closer.

Would he?
Should he?

"Dam it!" he shouted gliding closer to her.

He knows he souldn't have but as always something about her made him bend the rules.  Something that made him feel.

Free....and also caged. This is what he missed. This and more.

He just missed her.
Paying more attention to her every move  chuckling when she turned up her nose at the romantic saga. Grabbing a historical fiction she smiled at its cover. Her lips whispering the preface to herself.

He tried to catch a glimpse of the books cover just to have her turn and walk the other way. 

Some how this became a ritual for them.

Each week around 12 on Monday she returned her last two books for another pair. Always holding a cup in one hand and the other always reaching for another story.  All the while he tried to get her to notice him.

Not that he supposed she talked to many people now. and the only times she would smile is in the covers of a book. Here long blond natural hair, baby blue eyes and creamy skin gave here the look of a fragile snowflake. People would go up to her then later after failed attempts name her a bitch, cold, heartless. As if she personally could make hell freeze over with her icy glare.

Even then he couldn't accept that. How could a woman who cried for her favorite character in Peter Pan be heartless?
They don't see the way she acts around her friend her eyes always sparkling with love. His playful manner rubbing off on her as she pushes and laughs at his silliness. He can even remember days when her silky voice like hot chocolate warmed him from the inside out. 

Tho that was months ago now when she comes she has baggy eyes and a sickly pale face. The books are what makes her smile.

That used to be his job. ....How much he missed those days. 

He went up to her trying to get her attention. Fallowing as she makes here way to the check out.

  Stopping in front of her touching her soft cheek when she handed the small stack of books over.  He stated into those beautiful snow kissed eyes.

"I'm sorry. My good friend. My love, I had to go. I can not reject my duties anymore I have to be your knight not your prince." He sighed tears starting to fall as of usual for his library outings.

Crying because he knew that her eyes would look past him to the woman checking out her new books. 
How he wished that she would notice him, his presence, anything to tell her she isn't alone.
How he still loves her and why he committed that horrible act that night and why he took the pills into the tumbling darkness.

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