1. Banana Pancakes (Harry)

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Song: Banana Pancakes by Jack Johnson
(Song attached on the side/on top)
Words: 802
Relationship: Harry/(y/n)

Cold. Why is it so cold? I opened my eyes and immediately saw the rain pouring outside of the window. Early spring was ruthless, considering it had rained every day that week.

I rolled over, expecting my beautiful husband to be lying next to me asleep and ready to be cuddled, but his side of the bed was unoccupied. I rolled over, thoroughly confused as to why Harry was awake so early on a Saturday, but then I heard humming coming from down the hall.

I slipped out of the covers, sliding on some socks to protect my feet from the cold wood floors, and headed in the direction of the humming. When I peeked around the corner into the kitchen, I discovered Harry standing in front of the refrigerator, with the radio playing a familiar tune as he hummed along.

I walked up behind him, careful not to give away my presence. I snaked my arms around his waist, resting my cheek on his muscular back. I felt his muscles tense in shock, before relaxing into my embrace.

"Why are you up so early, babe?" I asked, voice still laced with sleep.

"Well," he started with a huff, "I was going to make you a beautiful breakfast and have it ready when you woke up but you very well ruined that now."

"Mmm, sorry. Bed felt too lonely without you." I replied as he turned around and brought me into a hug.

We stayed like that for a few minutes enjoying the silence of the early hour, until I jumped in fright as he gasped and ran to the radio like his life depended on it. He turned the volume up higher and started belting the lyrics to a song I hadn't heard in years: Banana Pancakes.

Harry grabbed two bananas off of the counter and handed one to me, and started singing into his as if it were a microphone.

"Can't you see that it's just rainin'
Ain't no need to go outside
But baby
You hardly even notice
When I try to show you this
Song is meant to keep you
Doin' what you're supposed to
Wakin' up too early
Maybe we could sleep in
Make you banana pancakes
Pretend like its the weekend now" Harry sang, sliding around our kitchen like a moron.

I giggled and joined him for the next part of the song, "We could pretend it all the time
Can't you see that it's just rainin'
There ain't no need to go outside
Just maybe
Halaka ukulele mama made a baby
Really don't mind the practice
Cause you're my little lady
Lady lady love me
Cause I love to lay here lazy
We could close the curtains
Pretend like there's no world outside
We could pretend it all the time
And can't you see that it's just rainin'
There ain't no need to go outside."

As the song continued, we challenged each other to see who could come up with the worst dance moves. As the song was winding down, Harry tired to spin me away from him, but my socks did not agree with the kitchen tiles, and I slipped and lost my balance, hitting my head on the counter as I fell to the floor.

Before I could even register the pain radiating from the back of my skull, Harry was on the floor pulling me into a sitting position. "Oh, shit, baby I'm so sorry. Are you okay? I'm so sorry, I'm such and idiot oh my-"

"Harry, shut up." I interrupted. "It was an accident, I'll be okay, it's okay."

He looked at me unsure, and helped me up off of the floor. Right as he let go of my arm, I wobbled and bit and grabbed onto the edge of the counter for support.

"(Y/n), are you sure you're okay? You fell pretty hard and you seem dizzy." He asked, his voice laced with concern. I gave him a small smile and waved him off with my hand.

"I just got up too fast, that's all. I'm a big girl, I can handle and little bump to the head." I assured. He didn't look like he believed me at all, but nodded his head.

"Okay, but if you even feel a little bad later, tell me, and I'll drive you to the doctor's office and get them to look at your head." He said, as he moved towards the fridge.

"I will, I promise." I said, walking over and ducking under his arm to see into the fridge.

"I know what I can do to make it up to you!" He exclaimed. I replied with an eyebrow raised in question as he gave me the brightest smile in all of London.

"I'm going to make you some Banana Pancakes!"


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2016 ⏰

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