Chapter 2: Ambush

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Arys trudged through a swampy area of the jungle far off from the facility. She cursed under her breath when she got her foot stuck in mud. She hated walking through the thick muck, but at least her scent would be harder to track in here. She knew Darryn was going to send someone after her so she had to stay vigilant. Once she was through the bog she was going to travel in the taller trees with connected branchways.
Arys had served under Darryn's command ever since she was a young kid, about seven years old. She was now eighteen. She had always believed she was being trained for a good purpose. Trained to help support the new leader of a better time, one who would bring peace to the land. But as she had gained Darryn's trust, he told her more than he told the other soldiers on training. He told her, he was going to rule over all of Alledia, and he was going to take it all by force. And if you are'nt genetically altered or 'evolved to a higher place in the food chain' as Darryn called it, he would kill those who didn't accept the conditions and join his army. When Arys found out she was horrified by the thought of his monstrous plans, and decided to go rogue. If she wasn't stopping Darryn's plans, she wasn't doing good.
She sniffed the air, making sure she wasn't being followed, and then sniffed more to try to locate the scout camp nearby. She could tell there was atleast 9 or 10 guards by the mixed scents. Arys made sure it was nobody she new from the facility. As horrible a place it was... She had made a rare few friends in its walls. She knew none of them. Arys sighed in relief and then she smirked, tracking the scents closer. She wanted to hit Darryn hard. But to do that it would take patience and all her skills. The ones she was taught in the facility. The same skills she was going to use to defeat the one in charge.
Arys drew closer to the camp, knowing she was almost on top of it and she got into a tall tree silently watching the guards from above. One sat reading at a table and four more gambled at a game of poker, while 5 stood around the camp on guard. Arys smirked and reached to her belt grabbing a grenade and pulling the pin, her eyes turning dark blue and sinister. Then they turned all black with glowing white pupils.

* * * * *

Toxyn trekked deeper into the jungle. The wind was getting cold from lack of sunlight through the canopy. He followed the scent of the she-wolf, only about half an hour old. The scent was sweet and gently, with the chemical hint of anger and fear. He could tell it wasn't a fear of anyone or anything... It was a fear of not knowing what to do next. She would be easy to take down if he played his cards right. Toxyn smiled to himself, reciting something he always did to remind him what he was proud of.
"I'm a remorseless killer. Always have been, always will be. It's what I was born as, it's what I do, and it's what will always be done. I am the Wolf of Blood."
The Wolf of Blood is what his leader Darryn and his comrades called him when he went on a hunting spree or did a good job with a high target count. Toxyn was ruthless, remorseless, and in his own opinion, unkillable. For he was the best of all soldiers, unbeaten in every battle, and successful in every kill. Everything he was proud of. His reputation. And he was going to keep it that way. No matter what it takes.

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