A Love Letter to Matthew Lewis

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Dear Mr. Matthew Lewis,

I am writing to you as if you were to read this. Knowing that you may never see this, I must share how I feel about you. This may sound a bit bold but I must say how I feel before they become unspoken and left for me to regret.

Ever since I was a kid I have had a crush on you. With your chubby cheeks and your buck teeth, I was completely smitten. You had this charm about you that made me gravitate towards you. As we got older we both changed physically but mentally you still had this wit about you.  When we met for the first time, I felt this connection. I felt something pulling us together, something sparked between us and a flame was lit. I wanted to know more about you as a person not about Neville Longbottom or other characters you have played, but more about what you as Matt like and dislike. When I'm with you I feel like time stops.  I feel this gravitational pull towards us that I can't explain. The more I am with you or talk to you the more I fall for you. The way your eyes light up when you get excited, the way that you smile, the way you talk about things you are passionate about, the intelligence that you possess, and the list goes on and on.

I am no where near the level of status of where you are at, but to be honest I don't care. The way I feel for you is something that I have never felt before with anyone. We come from two different worlds and for something like this to work would be a challenge.  If this burns down in flames at least we would have tired and done all the best we could. I do not know if your heart is broken from a past love or not looking for love but I know I will never break your heart and I hope you would never break mine.  I'm not saying I want to be yours now, I want us to grow and get to know more about each other better before we take that leap, if that leap ever happens. All I want is for you to be happy in this life and never to regret anything. You may want nothing to do with me or think this is to bold for your taste but at least I took a chance and didn't conceal my feelings any longer.

If this letter is the only thing that you will have to connect me with, then call me Cinderella. This paper is the shoe and only fits the person who wrote this about you.

Love Always,


A letter to Matthew Lewis Where stories live. Discover now