"Get up!"

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Chapter Four

We were discharged from the hospital a few hours ago. As soon as we got back to the house, we both went to lay in bed and we've been laying in bed since then and haven't spoken a word to each other. My heart is aching for my baby girl that never got to meet her mom and dad. I miss her already. Holding her lifeless body in my hands has me scarred and I don't ever want to leave this bed.

A few more minutes go by and all of a sudden Will gets up from the bed and locks himself in the bathroom. I figured I should go eat or drink something, so I get out of bed and head downstairs.

Shortly after, Will meets me in the kitchen. We both look at each other with sad eyes for a bit. "I'm sorry I killed our baby. I don't want you to forgive me."

"You didn't kill our baby, Will. It wasn't your fault." I walked over to him and held his face in my hands, leaving a light kiss on his forehead.

We both filled our tummies with something good and headed off to bed. Maybe tomorrow I won't feel this bad. But I don't expect a miracle.


It must have been five or six in the morning when I woke up. I got lots of sleep at the hospital and the past couple of days. I don't think I can sleep anymore for a while. I looked over to Will and he was sound asleep. I could tell by his features that he was obviously troubled. Even in his sleep.

I got up and got showered and dressed. I only changed into comfortable clothes. I don't plan on leaving the house today. Or ever. It's not like I want to.

I went downstairs to get breakfast and then watched some tv. I couldn't stop thinking of my baby. Every thought that crossed my mind was of my beautiful daughter.

I turned the tv off and decided to climb back into bed before Will woke up. When I walked into the room Will was still sleeping like I suspected. I climbed back into bed beside and lay there on my back with my eyes open. I don't think I'll fall asleep, I've had too much of it lately.


When I woke up, my wife was laying beside me with her eyes open. I got out of bed to go to the bathroom. "Good morning babe." She mumbled something back that I couldn't hear.

The whole day went by and my wife never got out of bed. She wasn't sleeping, she was just staring up at the ceiling. I didn't know what to do. I don't know how I can help. We're both grieving and I think I should just leave her alone. But what if I leave her alone too long and she escapes? She wouldn't leave me after all of this, would she?

I marched right up to our bedroom and rushed to her side. "It's time to get out of bed now, Jessica. You can't do this to yourself." She didn't answer me. She just blinked at the ceiling every time I said something to her.

"Leave me alone." She mumbled. "No, Jessica! Get out of bed now!" I didn't want to get violent on her. I went a whole three days without doing anything to her and I really hope she doesn't test me now. She better get the fuck out of bed now.

"Leave me alone." She mumbled again. "Jessica. You have no choice, get the fuck out of bed right now!" I yelled. She didn't even flinch. She was frozen. She hadn't moved all day and she still isn't moving.

"That's it!" I pulled the blankets back. "What are you do–" I yanked her right out of bed. "Get up!" I yelled.

She slowly stood up and looked me in the eyes. "You can't stay in bed all day like you did today. You should have been here for me. I was sad too. I lost my baby too." Her eyes softened.

She walked up to me and put her hand on my cheek. "I'm so sorry baby. I didn't mean to leave you alone like that. I won't do it again." She reached up and pecked me on the lips.


I thought that would ease his anger. But hours after, he was angrier than before.

I ran up the stairs and into the bedroom, fearing what he might do. I didn't lock the door because I knew that he'd eventually get in, and when he did, it would just be worse for me. So instead, I fearfully awaited a terrible beating from my husband.

Minutes later, the bedroom door creaked open and he was standing there calmly. He walked over to me and put his hands on my shoulders. I didn't know what he was up to.

We stayed like that only for a few seconds before he slapped me across the face. I was too weak to fight so I took the beatings. He had work the next day and I planned to escape. I was going to run away and have a new life.


We both went to bed after he apologized for beating me up. Like he does after every beating.

I plan to leave right after he leaves. And he leaves for work around 4-4:30AM. I had my alarm set for 5:30.


I woke up to the sound of my alarming practically screaming at me to run now. I quickly got up and started packing. I took my shower and shaved everything. I cut my long beautiful hair. I knew I wasn't going to be able to shower for a while since I'd be running from him.

I successfully grabbed everything that I'd need and shoved it into my car. I grabbed a cooler of food for when I run out of money. I packed everything that I needed and got into my car. Will was long gone. I was finally leaving and I was so happy. I had hope.

I've decided that I wasn't going to go to any of my family. I just decided to move to another state. I grabbed a good amount of money to get as far as I could. Hopefully he will not follow me. I'm going to start a new life with new friends and new family. I never mentioned where I live. I live in Georgia. And I'm going to escape to Washington.

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