"You can't leave me."

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Chapter Two

Right now I'm packing, again. Will and I got into an argument, which obviously ended up in beatings. For me.

Right now, he's downstairs crying his eyeballs out. But he isn't the one who got beaten. I should be crying, but I'm too focused on trying to get the hell out of this place.

My plan is to stay in a hotel since my family doesn't speak to me anymore. I tried calling my sister, but she didn't answer so I let it go. I still have my job which I'll be working at til I can find an apartment of my own.

I was almost finished packing when I heard the bedroom door creak open. "Rose?" His voice was quiet and sounded like he'd been crying all day.

"Yes?" I put one last piece of clothing in my suitcase before zipping it up.

"You can't leave me." His voice cracked. He was crying again.

I didn't answer him. I didn't want to. And of course, when I didn't answer, he got angry. He rushed to my side and gripped my arm tightly. "Did you hear me?" He gritted his teeth.

I didn't feel like getting beat up again so I nodded. "Yeah.."

"So you're not leaving?" His eyes lit up with hope.

"'Mm, I am.. I have to." I admitted. He dropped my arm from his grasp and spun around. He didn't say anything for a while, which really worried me. "Will?"

Before I could even blink, he spun around and slapped me across the face. The force was too strong and I ended up falling to the floor. Before I could get back up, he was walking towards me and pulling me up by my hair. "Stop! Please!" I shouted with pain.

He didn't listen to my cries and swung me to the floor once again. I landed on my back, hitting my head. Hard. He got on top of me and straddled my waist. "Get off, please!" I cried again.

He didn't listen again and started throwing punches. Each one landing on my eye. It hurt like a fucking bitch. My vision was beginning to become blurry from my tears and god knows what else. "Stop," I cried silently. I couldn't take this anymore. I had to escape.

With all my force, I punched him in the face and he went tumbling backwards. I took the opportunity to push him off me and get back on my feet. When I grabbed my suitcase, he was already on his feet, coming after me. I rushed quickly out of the room, down the stairs. He was right behind me, so close. There were so many stairs.

I took a chance and jump the last ten steps, landing on my feet. I quickly took off into a sprint towards the garage. I didn't know where Will was and I didn't want to look back.

I opened the garage door and quickly shut it behind me. I threw my luggage into the backseat and grabbed the keys off of the hanger beside the door. I hopped inside the car and started it up, locking the doors right away. When I did, Will came into the garage. I didn't have enough time to open up the garage door and lucky for me, it was wooden. I decided to just drive through it.

I put the car in reverse and stepped on the pedal. The car went right through the giant door and I stopped. I looked up and saw Will staring at me with angry eyes. If I don't escape now, I'll be in for the biggest beating of my life. I peeled out of the driveway and quickly put the car into drive. And just like that, I was off.

I didn't think that I would be able to escape him so easily. Makes me think that I did something wrong. Maybe he had a GPS tracker on this thing or something. Whatever. Who cares? I've escaped.

My first job was to stop at a gas station since I barely had any gas left in this car. Then, I'd be off to find a decent, cheap hotel that I could stay in for a few nights. After those few nights, god knows where I'll end up next.

I reached into the glove compartment and dug out my cell phone. I pulled to the side of the road and immediately dialed my sister's phone number. She knew all along that Will was beating me, but I told her not to tell anyone. That Will was going to change because he loved me and we wanted a family together. As promised, she kept her mouth shut. But, she also didn't talk to me anymore after that. Maybe she'll forgive me and take me in?

After a few more rings, it went to voicemail. She was definitely avoiding me. I wish she wouldn't. I was in terrible need of help.

I threw my cell phone onto the passenger seat and began driving again until I saw a gas station. I stopped and quickly got gas and hit the road once again.

I was driving for a good twenty minutes until I saw a decent looking hotel. One that I could afford. I quickly pulled onto one of the exits that lead the way to the hotel. I pulled into the parking lot and began searching for a good parking spot. I wanted to park somewhere that no one could see my car by driving by. I searched the parking lot for a while until I found a parking spot in the very back. It was perfect.

I got out of the car and made my way to the back of the car, grabbing my suitcase. My suitcase was pretty heavy because I tried to pack everything that I possibly could in there. I didn't want to leave with ten different bags.

The weather outside was starting to get warm so I hoped that I packed a few outfits appropriate for the upcoming weather.

I made my way into the building with my keys, phone and purse in hand, dragging my suitcase on its wheels. Before I entered the building, I dug into my purse to find a pair of sunglasses. After a few moments of finding nothing, my hand came across a pair of glasses. I pulled them out and immediately slid them over my eyes.

I finally walked into the building and went straight to the receptionist. "Hi, can I have a room for two nights please?" I spoke quietly.

The receptionist gave me a warm smile and began typing on her computer. "Of course! Your room number is 221." She gave me a big smile that lit up her eyes and handed me my room key. "Enjoy your stay!"

"Thank you." I smiled back and began walking towards the elevator to get to the second floor.

Once I found my room, I set everything down and plopped down onto the bed. Not even minutes later, I began drifting off to sleep.



This is a short chapter but I've been writing this for days and I really do not know what else to write. Hopefully, the next chapter will be better for you guys!

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