Chapter 3

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Hunter and I were finally engaged. I needed to call my mom and dad to tell them the wonderful news. I was so excited beyond belief. Hunter was so excited too, so he also went to go call his parents. He seemed happier than I was! 

"Mom! Mom! Guess what just happened!"

"What dear?"


"OH MY GOODNESS. Are you serious?! This is wonderful! I can't believe it!" 

"I know mom, I am so excited. This is like too good to be true.."

"Oh honey, I know it feels like it. But when are you going to start planning your wedding?"

"Well mom. We just got engaged today, give it some time!"

"Okay honey, well I'm at the store so I will have to call you later and hear more about the details. I love you and congratulations!"

"Thanks mom, I love you!"

I was so surprised that my mom took that information that well, and she seemed pretty calm about it. I had to call my dad and let him know too.

"Hey Kiddo, how are ya?"

"Dad, oh my gosh. Guess what just happened!"


"Hunter proposed dad, he proposed to me! We are engaged now!"

"Wow kiddo, thats amazing. I am so happy for you! How did he do it?"

"Well he asked me to go to the studio with him this morning because he had a surprise for me, so of course I went, and he was going through all the songs on his new album he is making. When he got to the last one it was about me. He sang it to me and then when he got out of the recording room, he just kneeled down on one knee made a little speech and then asked me. Isn't that amazing! I am so happy dad." I then started to cry.

"Wow, I am really happy for you kid. I hope everything works out! But I gotta get to my other job so call me later if you want. I love you and miss you very much!"

"Okay, I love you and miss you very much too. And thank you!"

As soon as I got off the phone I ran down stairs, but Hunter was still on the phone. I went up to him and hugged him from behind. He was talking to his parents, but he was crying. I don't think I have ever seen him cry before about something. As soon as he got off the phone he turned around and hugged me hard and long. I could hear him take in a deep breath, and I could feel some of his tears on my face.

"Babe why are you crying?"

"I'm just so happy Aubree. I have been waiting for this moment all my life. I love you so much, and you mean everything to me. I could never imagine being anywhere with anybody else. You complete me.."

He said so passionatley. He started to make me cry now.

"Babe you make me feel so special. I am so glad that I have you. You are my world, my everything. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

Hunter looked me dead in the eyes, then came into kiss me. He kissed me long and passionatley. 

After me and Hunter had our crying sesh, I hopped into the shower. While I was in the shower, I could hear Hunter singing "My Love" in the other room. He was so sweet.

I finished getting myself ready for bed. I brushed my hair, brushed my teeth, and threw my robe on. I got out of the bathroom and walked down the hall to Hunter's "Studio Room". He was of course sitting there writing a song down on a piece of paper. I walked closer to him and put my hand on his shoulder. He moved his head up and gave me the sweetest look. 

"You gonna come and lay with me in bed?" 

"Yes I will baby."

I turned and Hunter followed me back to our room. I got into bed and cuddled with him. All of a sudden I heard a buzz on the table. It was Hunter's phone. All notifications from twitter saying things like "Congratulations Hunter!" and other things like that. 

"What is that?" I asked.

"Well I posted a picture of us saying that we got engaged." He said to me smiling.

"Wow..." I got out of the bed and walked over to my dresser pretending to look at all my jewlery. My eyes filled up with tears, making my vision blurry.

"Aubree, please. Just let me explain.. It was the night when all of us went out. You went to the bathroom, and Matt made her sit on my lap. All the paprazzi were taking photos trying to make something out of it. It was never anything. I promise."

"Well then why didn't you stop it Hunter. Because it was no big deal? Because I wasn't there to see it right?" I started crying so hard, so I stormed out of the room.

He chased after me calling my name.

"Aubree, please. It didn't mean anything. And I did stop it. I told him to get her off of me. That's why we left so early because I knew if I would've stayed any longer I would have punched him for that. He was so drunk. And He's my bestfriend. I can't do that to him. I love you Aubree, you're the only one for me. I promise."

I went in to hug him. I knew he wouldn't lie to me. I knew that I could trust him.

"Well, I'm sorry for blowing up on you."

"You didn't blow up on me. You had every right. I understand. And I'm sorry. I love you."

"I love you too Hunter."

He kissed me on the cheek, and pulled me into him. I then stopped crying. I looked up at him, and he smiled at me. 

"Tomorrow I have the day off, so why don't I take you shopping down town. I can get you that ring you've been looking at. If you want it.."

"Well it is a gorgeous ring, but I don't want it just because your apologizing for something you know you shouldn't have done."

"Aubree, I'm not doing it just because I'm sorry. Which I am, but I was going to take you there for a surprise tomorrow anyways. But if you don't want to thats ok too.."

"I'll see. I'm still kinda upset. So I'm just gonna go watch some tv."

"Okay, well I'll be ready to cuddle whenever you're ready..."

I walked down stairs and turned the T.v. on. I watched a movie until I fell asleep. I slightly woke up from my sleep noticing that Hunter had picked me up and taken me up to bed. He set me back down in bed, and kissed me. 

"Thank you babe." I whispered to him. 

He turned and walked over to his side of the bed and got in. He scooted closer to me, and wrapped his arms around me.

The next morning I woke up to see him already dressed and ready to go shopping. I hopped right out of bed to get ready.

As soon as I got done I went downstairs he was standing right in the doorway waiting for me. 

"Goodmorning beautiful."

"Goodmorning babe."

He smiled at me.

"Are you ready?"

"Of course."

He grabbed the keys and we were out the door. We got into his truck, buckled our seatbelts and drove into town.

When we got down town, there were paparazzi sworming us with cameras. Hunter grabbed my hand a little tighter. We walked into the jewlery store and I ran over to the ring that I wanted. 

"Are you sure that is the ring that you want?"


Hunter purchased me my ring. I couldn't believe it. We were really engaged. 

"I'm glad you like your ring!"

"Me too baby. Thank you so much. I love you!"

I turned over to kiss him. He kissed me back. 

He got down on one knee and put the ring on my finger. He came up to kiss me one more time. He then grabbed my hand and walked me down the rest of the isle way to the other shops. Today was perfect.

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