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Cassandra sat on a small, wooden chair in front of the three Mikaelson siblings. Her eyes darted from Elijah to Rebekah, from Rebekah to Niklaus and from Niklaus to her hands which were uncontrollably fiddling with each other, intertwining her fingers and digging her nails in.

"When you went to see the witches, Elijah, I didn't expect you to adopt a stray" Niklaus uttered quietly, yet Cassandra heard it and gave the youngest brother a deathly glare. He'd pay for that comment.

"Well, love?" Rebekah asked, waving her hand in front of Cassandra's dazed expression, their voices had began to become distant as she found herself entrapped inside of her mind "what do you have to say for yourself?"

"I say you need all of the help you can get" Cassandra replied with attitude, her head tilted as she smirked knowing that she already had the side of the eldest brother, she already had an upper hand. "From what I heard; vampires aren't so popular in this town"

"And neither are renegade witches" Klaus retaliated quicker than she would have expected, it was like he was planning how to annoy her as soon as she opened her mouth.

"If you'd prefer to investigate on your own, then I am willing to return home, but this will be your only chance" Cassandra stood from her chair and brushed off her skirt "I'd much prefer to go alone anyway"

It was Cassandra's first step on the wooden floorboard that caused Elijah to jump from his seat to stop her. "Brother" he looked straight down to Klaus as He stood, blocking the exit of the door for Cassandra "tell us about the wolves"

Her arms were folded as she looked down, scowling at the dark blonde man, waiting for him to say something and convince himself that being on her side is best.

"Their wolves have gone missing, they have found bodies but others have just disappeared" Klaus admitted quietly, knowing that Elijah's decisions are the ones that would save them "they believe that it's something beyond our control"

Cassandra let out a bubble of laughter, making Rebekah scowl and Niklaus glare. "I know this witch can help us"

"I'm not too sure on her" Rebekah stood to her feet and walked up closer, she was able to smell the blood in her veins. "The witches surely wouldn't banish you because you cannot practice without drawing energy from something" the vampire walked around Cassandra, but the witch's eyes kept forward, even though her deep breathing gave away her fear.

"I'm the first of my kind in their coven, they don't like what they don't know" She shrugged off the question like she had been asked it a million times "plus, if I draw from a living thing - which I have to now and again because it gives me a good source of power- it really really hurts, even ask Elijah"

The two siblings looked to Elijah. "It wouldn't surprise me, he never could resist a pretty face" Klaus still would not back down as of yet, he had too many snide comments stored in his head to stop now.

"You know, I do not have to stand for this" Cassandra walked forward, being caught by Elijah's arm. Cassandra halted and stared up at him for a split second that felt like hours. He turned around, spinning her back to face the family.

"I know this is a good idea, whether or not you do, I do not care" Elijah urged "the witches have no intention of even helping us, even Dianne acted strange at my confrontation, and now she is a victim of whatever this monster is"

"Maybe she got on the wrong side of it" Rebekah suggested

"Maybe she created it" Cassandra never felt awkward to speak up, even if she was in a room full of people that didn't want her there "it's self explanatory, I've heard stories where the creator becomes a victim, maybe it's payback for what she did"

"Where on earth would you have gotten that from?" Rebekah asked, raising her eyebrow.

Maybe Cassandra shouldn't have said that. But she secretly wanted them to like her, she wanted them to agree to help each other, maybe she needed to lay out some leverage first.

"I may or may not have some old grimoire's in my possession, one spell matching that of what has cursed our town" Cassandra only remembered reading the section when they were speaking earlier, maybe it will help her cause.

"Well, show us then" Rebekah urged

"I don't think I'm able to show those that aren't my allies" Cassandra sighed "I'm sorry Elijah but you all come as one package, if they don't like me then it looks like we cannot help each other"

Elijah snapped his head and turned to his family don't be so childish he non-verbally sent the message, but they got it. The Mikaelson's didn't exactly like witches, especially New Orleans witches from past experiences.

Rebekah was the first to break "fine" she huffed "if Elijah trusts you then I suppose I do too"

Niklaus didn't speak. But Elijah felt accomplished for turning one of his siblings onto his side.

"Come on Niklaus" Rebekah half heartedly pleaded "this witch probably is one step ahead of us"

Cassandra wiggled her eyebrows and smiled playfully towards the eldest vampire. She knew she'd conquered the Mikaelson's, though two thirds of them weren't exactly pleased, she still did it.

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