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(The character, Anne is in the gif)

Cassandra looked out of the window as she sat opposite Elijah. He saw her eyes flicker from person to person, watching every move they made.

"Is everything alright?" He asked, they had been sat for a solid ten minutes in silence, Cassandra clutched onto the book for its safety, but she just stared outside.

"I've never had been given enough time to realise how much I miss the city" she sighed "we've shared some great memories"

"Maybe, now that the witches are lead by a new charge, you could appeal. You haven't done anything incriminating, it isn't your fault that you are a siphoner" Elijah replied

"I highly doubt it; when you are shunned it's a permanent thing, plus all of them discriminate against what they cannot understand" Cassandra replied, taking her eyes of the outdoor world and back to Elijah "but thank you for attempting to make me feel better"

Elijah looked up at the sky from his chair, the window was only a few centimetres away "we still do have a few hours before sunset, before you have to be back home, maybe we can make the most of it?"

"Are you sure?" Cassandra looked stunned to say the least, she stuttered partially before she pronounced the whole sentence "if someone recognises me then they'll surely punish me, I'm now allowed in unless they say it is within designated hours, which are very few"

"They won't see you, I assure that" Elijah stood from his chair and held his hand out to help her up.

Cassandra hesitated in taking it, she went to reach for his but then slightly pulled back. Her head turned to glance out of the window before finally taking his hand and standing up. Elijah guided her arm to link through his, and with his other hand, he pulled down her hood.

"What're you doing?" She turned her head to attempt to see the hood hanging from behind her. Her hand clawed back to try and find the edge, but with Elijah refusing to let go of her arm, she wasn't able to reach it with her only free one.

"Enjoy the day" Elijah stepped her outside and into the sunlight, it burnt her skin and it felt too bright for her eyes. She was always used to having the shade of the trees protect her from the Rays. "Nobody will confront you whilst you are beside me"

"Are you really doing this for me?" She asked, a genuine smile wiped across her face and for the first time she actually felt something real, she actually liked Elijah. She didn't push him away.

"The prospect of this somehow surprises you; I can't imagine what you've been through to push you this far in trusting an individual" it was true, he couldn't. Yes, Elijah had gone through a lot but he did have his family. He didn't know the full story of what happened, it was too soon to go into details, but the reaction he received from just a kind act, it amazed him. How tragic can someone's life be?

"Nobody really does many things for me anymore" she admitted quietly, her gaze diverted to the floor, where she saw her feet step over cracks in the pavement. "I don't get much social interaction, apart from Eloise, but sometimes the girl is very hard to swallow, she is too happy"

"I've only met her once, but I will take your word for it" Elijah smiled slightly, they walked around the city, Cassandra pointed to buildings and areas that played parts in her upbringing, feeling nostalgic and showing off her true side, the one that showed her child-like wonder that she tried ever so hard to conceal beneath the hard shell, the tough act and the attitude. It was a girl that Elijah liked, not only physically but mentally, the girl had an intriguing mind and a beautiful soul that could only be revealed when she trusted.

And finally, she trusted him. The day could be classed as brilliant, it was one that Cassandra would go to bed and dream off for the next few months if it could not be beaten. It would be one she would tell her future family about, when she thought all was lost and damned, something happened. A miracle.

Not even she believed there was any sanity left, she thought that she had lost herself in the facade she created when she realised that her blood, her own family, her own coven was not there for her. It was all their fault; but she didn't like to think of what was their fault, because it angered her to the extent where she could feel her blood boil.

But by the by, she had been restored. However, a voice in the back of her mind always planted doubts, telling her that the man wasn't sincere, that she was going to ruin everything. Do you think he'd still like her if he knew the truth? Maybe this whole alliance will help him look past what she had done in the past, maybe she could redeem herself.

But for now Cassandra swallowed down the lump in her throat and ignored everything negative she heard. Elijah and her weren't serious enough for her to tell him her crimes, there were more important things that she needed to deal with right now. Maybe once all of this has ended, their alliance will crumble just like her life had. Maybe she was overthinking, maybe she didn't have to utter another word about it nor let it curse her mind.

Enjoy the day she thought to herself as she took a deep breath in, breathing in all of the New Orleans air that she had missed so badly.

But she couldn't enjoy the day, though she still had a fair hour or so left before she really had to leave, Cassandra and Elijah passed some witches. One of which, Cassandra knew very well.

The black haired girl turned, showing her deep hazel eyes, staring directly into Cassandra's. She scowled as Cassandra tried to keep her calm.

"She shouldn't be here" Elijah heard the staring witch utter to the others

"Anne, come on, leave her be" another witch tugged on her dress and dragged her along, the second witch looked up at the couple as she did so "she's with him, we cannot do anything"

"Do you know them?" Elijah asked

"Why? Were they talking about me?" Cassandra knew she was talking about her, it was a definite yes. "But yes, the one with black hair didn't like me when growing up, she always despised how different I was" she explained "a feud struck when Eloise used her powers against her, knocking her unconscious for a few minutes, she never liked anyone associated with me ever since. She held a grudge"

Cassandra wanted to end the day after this, it made her disheartened, the nausea set in as she felt a wave of sadness wash over her. It reminded her of younger days, when she was classed as somewhat normal.

"We best go, she will surely alert the other witches now"

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