The day I met you

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A/N what's up guys? This is my first time even writing a story let alone publish one, so give me your opinion and rate, comment what you think of it and based on that I will either upadate or drop the story thanks ! - The first sergeant


 I remember the day we first met, It was in 9th grade at Stark high school. I had just begun to live with my grandpa and everything was new . I was compelety scared out of my mind. The thought of a new start all alone, was overwheleming. My first class, or should I say ours, was English 2 . That's the first time I saw you, you proudly strutted into the room. Your black silky hair was spiked up and your eyes a dark blue shimmering in pride. I think at that moment I felt a strange connection , day after day I attempted to get you to notice me. Being a straight A student, I decided to impress you by answering every question the teacher asked. Which pissed you off actually, and it made you rather competitive... From then on, since we graduated we were rivals and secret friends. We both were accepted into the college we had hoped for. An Industrial university to be specific . //And our story begins.//

  Steve pulled out his phone, his fingers frantically searching for the one person he couldn't wait to tell about him being accepted, Tony. Once the contact was just a step away, he hesitated , a small blush crawling unexpectedly onto his cheeks. This is the first time he had planned to call Tony. Sure they had sent a few text before, but now he'd hear the deep, smoothing voice of the male girl's went crazy over. Just recently Tony had been asked out at least 5 times . Girls confessed their love to him saying how they thought he was amazing. It really ticked off Steve for an unknown reason. He sighed now, his palms sweaty as he pressed the green button, Steve quickly placed phone by his ear, his face now completely a crimson red .

"Steve?" The voice answered with a curious tone.

"I-I.." Steve came at a loss for words and hung up throwing the phone onto his bed and burying his face into his pillow. "Dammnit i'm 18 years old and yet I can't even make a stupid call." Steve cursed himself as he dug his face deeper into his pillow. "I can do this!" With a slight hint of motivation, Steve sat up reaching for his phone. He sighed deeply and went to call him again only to jump at the phone ringing. "Huh?" He answered not caring to look at the caller i'd . "Hello?" Steve asked rather confused his sandy blonde hair shifting as he laid back on his bed.

 "Steve?" A deep voice he had heard only a few seconds ago said . Steve's heart skipped a beat. he grasped the phone tightly .


"Why'd you hang up?" Before Steve could say anything, Tony cut him off. "It doesn't matter I wanted to talk to you anyways, remember that college we signed up for? "He said with suspense. "I just got accepted!"

Steve smiled brightly . "I got accepted too !"

"We should celebrate." Tony cheerfully chirped.

Steve now seemed comfortable, he nodded not as if Tony could see. "Sure , how?" A smirk appeared on Tony's lips "How about you come over for dinner, my parents are out on a business meeting, I'm sure they won't mind." The density of the 18 year old Steve was astonishing , he didn't think otherwise of Tony's plans. "Sure thing Tony." They both hung up after exchanging information about the time and the rich son's address. Steve decided to go casual after debating about what to wear for at least 30 minutes. It was nearly 7 now, the time they had planned to meet. Steve went to his dresser looking down at the keychain weighting down a pamphlet. Once the weight was lifted the cover was of a U.S Army soldier ,near the pamphlet was an enlisted paper. Steve wouldn't tell Tony, not yet.

// Because this was a short chapter depending on the votes and comments, etc I will lengthen them I promise.//

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