Harry Potter - The Coffee Machine.

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"Merry Christmas, Annabelle!" My dad said before giving me my gift, I carefully unwrapped the gift and saw that he got me...a coffee machine.
"Uh, thanks dad!" I smiled politely, even though i don't like coffee.

'he probably has a plan in mind...' i thought.

"I know what you're thinking," he started obviously excited to share his idea "But your mom told me that you have OWLs this year and I assumed that is some kind of test, and voila!" he paused for a minute "I got this idea, you could share coffee with your friends and you don't have to worry about not having enough energy for tests!" he smiled stroking his black beard deviously.

If he weren't a muggle I feel as if he would be in Slytherin.

~time skip to Hogwarts bc I can~

"Boo!" my best friend, Christine sneaked up from behind me, causing me to turn around in an alarming stated.
"Oh, hey Christine." I greeted, straightening my yellow and black tie.
"And a howdy hey ho to you too!" she replied "I've always wanted to say that...How was your holiday?"
"It was great, I stayed with my Dad because my mum was in Spain for some herbology research, other than that, it was nice!" I answered "What about you?"
"Me? Well I went to muggle America with my parents and my muggle cousin Will, It was amazing," She responded enthusiastically "As much as I love magic, I think that a break from all that is nice."
We continued to share the adventures we had over the Holidays, while walking to the Slytherin common room.
"Any presents?" Christine asked tilting her head a little bit to the left curiously after saying the password.
"I have a coffee machine from my dad!" I said , watching my caramel brown haired friend's eyes light up at the word coffee.
"Show me!" she told me before a beige thingy appeared before her, carried by yours truly.
"Whaddaya think?" I asked her.
"It is GORGEOUS!" she squealed "How, does it work?"
"well you need hot water and coffee beans, then you put them inside, and then you press this button." I pressed the bronze coloured button and coffee started to pour out.
"Christine, get me a mug, from my bag please!" I called out right after I realized that it was going all over the Slytherin common room carpet and pressed the stop button.
"Rodger that!" she said and took out her wand "ACCIO MUG!" my mob flew out of my bag into her hand. She handed me the mug as I put it under the place where coffee comes out, then pressed the 'start' button.
"You click the 'stop' button when you are done, I'll just clean up the mess I made..." I said timidly with guilt, and started cleaning the stains out.
~annother time skip to OWLs~
I haven't really used the machine since I showed it to Christine, since I might have forgotten it there, I was walking to the great hall and stopped to see a long line, it consisted of all four houses and mostly 5th, 6th and 7th years.
I ran to the front wondering what the fuss was about and saw Christine with her strawberry blonde hair in a bun making coffee and selling them behind a stall. She continued Until she saw my face.
"Hey, Annabelle!" she shouted over to me "Come over here!" I cautiously walked inside the stall. "Waddaya think?" I glanced at her, then at the line.
"It's Alright, but I need to tell my dad." I told her.
"I already did he said running a coffee black market was a great Idea-" she stopped when she saw the line split and everyone moving away.
"what's going on-" I closed my mouth when I saw Professor Mcgonagall standing in front of the stall.
"I would like one gingerbread latte, Miss Wilson." Mcgonagall said.
"Rodger that!" Christine replied fulfilling the headmistress's order and handing it to her.
"Thank you." she replied walking to transfiguration after paying 2 Galleons.

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