Troyler - The Hammock

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At some point when I was 9 I was obsessed with hammocks, I don't even know why. However my parents only got one when I was 21, And I only discovered so while bringing my boyfriend, Troye home to meet them.
I knocked on the front door excitedly, I know they would absolutely love Troye.
The door was opened by my Mom who smiled when she saw me and smiled even more when she saw my hand in his.
"Oh hello," she gestured us to come inside "You must be Troye!" she said.
"That's me, It's nice to meet you Mrs. Oakley." Troye replied.
"Hey, mom?" she turned to me curiously.
"Yes, Sweetie?"
"Where's dad?"
"He's coming later, why don't you two go in the backyard?" she said guiding us both to the aforementioned place, until I saw two trees and a hammock tied between them.
My eyes widened as I gasped and tightly hugged my mom who went inside right after.
"Troye, we need to get in together!" I said excitedly.
"Obviously, I can't wait to cross 'sleep in a hammock' off the bucket list." Troye replied before I climbed in. Troye followed, climbing on top of me.
After a few minutes of trying to get comfortable, Troye fell asleep.
Careful not to wake him up I put my foot on the grass, rocking the hammock slowly to keep him asleep. I looked at his face which was on my chest and started playing with his curly hair.
The stars started coming out and the street lights were dim. I looked back at Troye and saw that adorable smile of his etched on his face.
It was moments like these which I want to last forever, but then they wouldn't be moments.
Afterwords, I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

((for gaytimelord I really hope you liked this.))

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