Châptere Uno

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Le David was un cool guy. But on le Thursday something happened that wouldé show him a differont lìght. 

Monday 2:30pm-

Ringé ringé... Went le telephones. David picked up le telephone in is 20 floor l'appartment that over looked le river. "Your sister has diedé" 

"Que cest qu sister?"

"Oh pardone, I Ringé le wrong telephone"


Tuesday 10:00 am

Le David walked down to le parke. There he found un ground apple. David looked at le ground apple. Le someone (probably le Mayor of le town) had drawn un face on it with le sharpié. David et mange le ground apple.

Wednésday 1:00 

David was in le hospital from carrotté poisoning. David wás sleeping in a bed! Tout a coup nothing exciting happened. 2 hours latere Davidelle (david's twin sister, who was secretly a ninja) cam in and brought le fleur. 

What happens next? Stay tuned to find out! 

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