Zero; Before it all...

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3rd Person's POV

The thing is, Gon doesn't like killing, and so does Killua. But one night, the two were watching the moon in silence while enjoying the other's company.

They both saw the moon blow up, leaving in its wake, a crescent moon.

Gon looked at it in shock and despair, she loved the full moon. It was so big and bright, she loved just staring at the moon and always dreamed of going there.

Killua looked at Gon and then at something speeding towards them, he ran over and grabbed the brunette's hand in a hurry.

"Gon, we need to move. Something his flying towards us, and it's fas--!" Killua was cut off as his fellow Pro Hunter grabbed both his hands and tossed him out of the way just as whatever was speeding towards them crashed into the hill they were currently standing on.

Well, in Killua's case, formerly standing on , would be more precise.

Killua gasped and toppled down the steep hill, he soon regained his balance and dashed up the hill, fear and worry easily seen in his crystal eyes.

Once he was on top, he saw a strange creature that reminded him greatly of a octopus. The octopus turned and was seemingly staring at the bottom of the tree. Killua hid behind a bush, and activated Zetsu.

Though what he didn't expect was that the clothed blob to hear him and turn around as quickly as he flew at them earlier.

But because of the action, the former assassin got a good look at what the tentacled monster was staring at. Killua couldn't help but stare either.

It was Gon, writhing and trembling in pain as tears pricked the corners of her tightly shut eyes.

"G-Gon!" He practically teleported to her side. He examined her, she was gritting her teeth and clenching her fists. Her green jacket was ripped and scratched, and her back was bleeding profusely.

The silverette turned, thinking that the octopus was behind this.

The octopus was smiling, but the assassin knew it wasn't genuine. He glared the blob with hate for hurting Gon.

"Why?" He asked calmly, but you can easily detect the hidden message that is 'How could you do this to Gon? Of all people, it had to be the innocent and pure Gon?'.

"No, no, no." The yellow creature shook it's head. "I admit that I did it, though it was unintentional, it was most likely the shockwave of my landing that did this. I sincerely apologize. Allow me to take you both to the Hospital." It spoke fluently.

"How can I trust you after what you did to Gon?! bastard..." Killua growled, glaring at the creature and releasing Hostile Nen (Hostile Ren?) toward it at the same time.

"'s okay, Killua." A gentle voice brought him back. Killua turned and crouched down beside Gon so quickly that it would put the tentacled monster's speed to shame.

"Didn't you listen?! He did this to you!" Killua reasoned in a angry tone.

The creature was about to speak, but was surprised when Gon spoke up first.

"I know, but didn't you listen? It was unintentional, he didn't mean it. Plus, it sound like he's sad, like he's remorseful. Trust him, Killua." Gon spoke softly, despite the pain she felt.

"Gon..." Killua was always at a loss for words when Gon enlightens him with positive notions.

The creature, too, was at a loss for words. He didn't suspect either of them to defend him, let alone the one he hurt.

It started to rain. Gon hissed in pain as sharp and powerful drops of rain hit her very vulnerable wound.

"Gon!" Killua yelled in worry. "Hey, you! I'll take you up on that offer, take us to the hospital, please!" He could tell that the blob's way of transportation might be faster. His GodSpeed's shrouding himself in electricity might just hurt Gon even more--he wouldn't take that risk.

The yellow creature nodded in agreement. He quickly carried Killua and slowly did his best at wrapping his tentacles around the injured Gon, who stared at the tentacles in wonder and curiosity with her slightly squinted hazel eyes.

Suddenly, the Hunters felt the breeze of flying through the air.

The octopus used it not-in-use tentacles to swipe away all the raindrops, preventing any from hitting them. Soon, the Yorknew City came sight, and not long after that, they were in front of the hospital.

Killua quickly hopped off and gently took Gon off the tentacles of 'Blob le Tentacle'.

Just before Killua rushed inside, Gon called out to the creature.

"Hey! Before you go, what's your name?" Gon asked softly, staring at the creature standing in the rain as they were already under the safety of the roof.

"I....have none. But, if you need my assistance, I will be at Kunugigaoka Junior High School. I still owe you, those injures aren't cheap." The creatures tiny eyes glanced at the large gash on Killua's arm from tumbling down the hill, and Gon's wounded, bleeding, and maybe even fractured back.

" you..." Killua mumbled, pink dusting his cheeks.

The creature's grin evolved into something genuine as it watched the two twelve year olds smile at him and enter the hospital in a slight hurry.

They are so cute together...



A Hunter x Hunter × Assassination Classroom crossover fanfic, just as promised!

Well, if you don't know about this promise, then read 'A Hunter's Fairy Tail'! It's my other book.

I also still have that
Hunter x Hunter × Naruto crossover fanfic promise to fulfill!

Okay, I hope you liked this story~!
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