Alphas and Angels - Chapter 8

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Had it not been for Caleb's small arms encasing my legs, I would have gone invisible and ran. I wouldn't stop this time either, and I would just hope my dad would come to find me later. But since I couldn't, I had to stand there and watch in dismay as Jeremy grabbed the book from Laney's hands and began examining it.

His eyes would dart to me every few seconds, and I saw the pieces clicking into place with each look. I wasn't sure what he was thinking; his face remained passive the entire time. I didn't know whether to take that as a good or bad sign.

"Emmy," Caleb tugs on my shirt to gain my attention. I look down at his beautiful little face, which is plastered in an almost cautious expression. He points discreetly to Laney, who is too busy chattering on and pointing out things to Jeremy. "Is she safe?" he whispers.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Is she bad?"

"Of course not," I say, a bit preoccupied.

"Why do you look scared?" he asks innocently.

Shaking my head, assuring him I'm not, which is partially a lie, I turn my attention back to Jeremy who hands the book back to Laney. She is all grins, happy with herself and unaware of the trouble she's just caused. I can't be angry with her for this, although I am a little miffed that she hadn't just come to me privately.

"So you're an angel?" Jeremy asks, but it comes out as a declaration.

"No," I answer quickly.

"You sure about that?" Laney asks. "Because you are pretty angelic when it-"

"I'm not an angel," I reiterate. It isn't lying, it's the truth. But I don't want to admit the real truth, because the only thing more shameful than being a fallen angel is being a fallen Nephilim. Two disgraceful things jammed into one being.

"But he said you were," Caleb adds, his eyebrows crinkled in adorable confusion.

"Who is he?" I question, seeing the perfect escape from this topic.


"Hold on," Laney interrupts him. "If you're not an angel, and you're not human, then what are you?"

I couldn't bear the stares. Jeremy was expressionless still, and Laney was just craving for this new knowledge that I wasn't willing to give. Caleb, on the other hand, lost interest in the whole thing and runs back over to retrieve something from a bright colored box under his bed.

With Caleb distracted, I take my chance. I do what I've done a few times before, and hide in transparency, and maneuver my way out of the room as quick as I can, dodging Laney and Jeremy's wild eyes as they try to search for me.

Where do I go? I wonder frantically.

Emmy, Dad's voice was there for me, and I immediately change my course to his room.

I run because I'm certain Jeremy is already going to be hot on my tail. That is, considering he doesn't loathe me. As I'm running through the halls, trying to hide the sound of my footsteps, I come to a halt when I reach two girls, who are standing in the hall, chatting away. They're smack in the middle, leaving me no room to scoot around them without touching them.

I can't just tell them to move. Some phantom voice ordering them around wouldn't exactly result in a calm situation, and I can't make myself visible because I can hear footsteps running towards me from behind.

"Hey!" It's Caleb. Both the girls turn to look at him, but he's ignoring their presence. I wish I could say he was looking through me, but it's like he can see me. This isn't possible, but he must have an even more advanced sense of smell because he runs right up to me and looks up.

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