Chapter 11

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Once I returned to the room, I picked up some embroidery that I have been working on. After about a half hour, the sheriff came in and fell asleep, snoring quite loud. I watched as Sir Edward came in, jumping when he saw me. I put my finger to my lip signalling him to be quiet, and that I would not tell. I watched as he took the keys from the sheriff and opened up the safe, taking out a document. As he did that, Robin came in. Vaisey dropped his chalice and woke up while Sir Edward and Robin hid.

“Where are my keys?” Vaisey yelled, “Guard!” I couldn't help but giggle at the spectacle. I saw him take a dagger, about to strike where Sir Edward was hiding but Robin jumped down and stuck the sheriff before running out of the room, Vaisey and the guards following him. I quickly walked to where Sir Edward was, checking if he was okay. I helped keep a watch out for them as they headed to the main courtyard.

“Robin, if you need anything remember, I'm here,” I gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Good luck, Sir Edward,” I gave him a hug as they joined Robin's gang.

“Stop them!” Vaisey yelled, I quickly ran to the side, so I wasn't obviously seen. The guards started to attack the group, however they managed to escape. “Sable, here, now!”

“Yes, Vaisey?” I asked once I approached him.

“How did you not see them enter the room?” He yelled at me.

“My lord, I was focused on my embroidery, I didn't hear them nor see them until you woke up.”

“No excuses,” he grabbed me by my upper arm and dragged me to the dungeon, where he saw that the jailer was dead. He let a yell of fury escape as he pushed me into the cell that the dead man was in.

“Vaisey?” I questioned what he was doing as he closed the door.

“You, my dear,” he touched my face through the cell, “have caused enough drama, you will stay in here.”

“What, Vaisey, no!” I yelled as he left the dungeon. I sank to sit against the wall, turning and staring at the dead body. Eventually, I fell asleep, curled into a ball, my hear resting on top of my knees. That night, the body was removed while I was sleeping. However, the next morning, I was dragged from my cell into the one where I was whipped awhile ago.

“Sable, where is Robin Hood?” It was Vaisey.

“I don't know!” I shouted back at him.

“Chain her up, and whip her until she talks.”

I felt the guards grab me pulling me towards the chains.

“I was never shown where they camp!” I told him as he walked out the door. After 20 lashings, I was taken back to my cell. There, I stared out into nothing, waiting for sleep to take hold of me and numb my pain. The next day it was the same cycle, and the day following. By the end of it, I was in more pain from starvation then from the lashings that I received on my back. It was that day where the sheriff once again came to my cell.

“Well, are you going to give up your brother's location?” He asked, entering the cell.

I weakly turned my head to him, “I told you, I don't know where it is, Vaisey, I honestly don't,” I whispered through my dry and cracked lips. “I haven't spoken to him since he was declared an outlaw, please, I'm speaking the truth.” My body was leaning against the wall for support, as I wearily watched the sheriff's movements.

“Doesn't matter, he'll be dead soon,” he said. I watched as he stood and exited the cell.

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