Chapter: 1

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*April's P.O.V.*

     "What a way to start the day off!" The ugly pirate captain, who's name I have no clue, shouts to his crew, his crew shouting in agreement. For all I know, he could be one of the best pirates out there, but I don't give much care to pirates. I've never done much research because I never thought I'd have to see one, let alone come encounter with one.

     "Yeah, who wouldn't want a lovely woman to walk the plank into cold water early in the morning." I mumble boastfully to myself as I stand on this pirate ship looking over the railing into the deep water, my hands tied loosely behind my back. Not to mention the fact that I'm wearing a thin, blue nightgown, which doesn't do much for keeping warm even in the summer time. "Damn pirates..." Is currently the only thought running through my head. A sharp object pokes into my back, snapping me back to the reality of the current situation happening before me.

     "Better start moving, lassie." A low voice rumbles behind me. I step up onto a wooden board leading out over the water. The sharp object pokes into my back once again before I turn around to glare at one of the pirates. He has a large smile and a very entertained expression plastered on his face as he pokes me once again with a long, thin sword. Looking forwards once more, I continue to walk down the short board over the water. The wooden board starts to bend the closer I get to the end. Looking to my left, where the stern of the boat is, I see an island not to far in the distance, close enough to where I can swim to safety.

     "Get off the plank, will ya'?" I hear the captain growl behind me before the board wobbles ferociously, knocking off my balance and sending me falling towards the water. As soon as I splash into the ocean, I hear muffled cheering of the pirates above me. Trying to save as much energy as possible for swimming, I attempt to slide the rope off of my wrists under the waters surfaces. Luckily, the pirates didn't tie my wrists to terribly tight. I get the ropes off just in time to swim up and catch my breath. Looking up at the ship, the crew are now shuffling around the deck getting ready to set sail once more and strand me here for who knows how long.

     I look around to find the island and start swimming in that direction, trying my hardest to have controlled breaths and keeping my head above the water. As I'm swimming, I think back to what actually brought me to this current situation. I have to say, it wasn't entirely in my control.

~Yesterday Evening~

     "Lady Eleanor! Are you decent? May I come in madam?" I say politely as I hold her lovely wedding gown on my left arm, knocking with my right hand. I pull my hand away from the door and feel around my neck to make sure I didn't forget my necklace somewhere in this large house. The necklace my brother gave me before he passed away. The necklace was a long, thin, silver chain with a silver ring hanging off of the end. It was his ring. The one he had made as a birthday gift for me. He was going to make two identical rings for him and I. Promise rings that we would never leave each other. He didn't get to finish mine before he was killed by damned pirates.

     "Yes April, you may come in!" She responds politely. I open the door to her room and walk in quietly, not to disturb the silence of the late afternoon. The only thing illuminating the room is the soft glow of a candle setting on the dresser next to her bed.

     "Good morning Lady Eleanor." I say sweetly as I walk over to the bed in the middle of her room. She's sitting against the head of her bed elegantly with her covers over her lap and pillows behind her back.

     "Do you have my wedding dress with you?" Eleanor asks excitedly, looking at the dress I am holding currently. I nod politely and she smiles before uncovering herself and standing up in her nightgown.

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